

Why are plants and animals important?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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Plants are important because the start the food chains and food webs. Plants also give oxygen to oxygen breathing organisms and clean up the air of deadly gases such as carbon dioxide. Animals are important because they keep the food webs and chains in line and they each have their own helpful niche (Niche- the full range of physical and biological conditions in which an organism lives and the way in which the organism uses those conditions). I hope this helped you a lot if you need anymore answers just ask!!

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14y ago
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12y ago

plants and animals are important to live because its part of our whole life we cant survive without them , we humans are sent to earth to take care of them and in return they are helpful to us , in plants it is a source of oxygen , we can get fruits and minerals that is essential to our body , without plants we don't have fresh air and a plenty of water , animals also can serve as your pet, source of meat that is really rich in minerals , their waste will serve as organic fertilizer (so that's why need to take care of them, love them and in return we can gain a lot : stanlie)

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11y ago

Animals are important because they provide food, fertilizer, and entertainment for people.

Plants are important because they provide food and oxygen to people and animals.

They each have a important role in the life cycle.

Animals provide carbon dioxide to plants so that plants can live besides the light from the sun and water.

Plants provide Food and Oxygen to animals and human kind so that animals and people can live or survive.


Animals provide carbon dioxide for the plants and the plants provide oxygen for us to breath.

Animals help keep the population of living things down.

Animals are great for those pet lovers out there!

Without animals, we wouldn't have a zoo.

Plants make the world look nice.

People can show off their garden skills with plants.

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