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Bivalve's are useful environmental indicator organism because most bivalves are filter feeders specially in polluted area or in a water and they filter most bacteria where polluted area is present.

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Q: Why bivalves are useful environmental indicators organism?
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Why are the Eurypterids in these cross sections not useful as index fossils?

The Eurypterids in these cross sections not useful as index fossil because they are only found in certain areas are a long lived organism

What would be the least useful piece of information for classifying an organism as an animal?

The color of the organism's eyes would likely be the least useful piece of information for classifying it as an animal. Characteristics such as body structure, presence of a backbone, method of reproduction, and diet are more relevant in determining classification within the animal kingdom.

Why is breeding usefull?

Breeding isn't useful, it is a must, without breeding there would be no food and every living organism would cease to exist.

Are adaptations always beneficial?

Not necessarily. While adaptations can help an organism survive and reproduce in its environment, they may not always be beneficial in all situations or environments. Changes in the environment or interactions with other species can render an adaptation less useful or even harmful over time.

Why is studying bacteria and animals who use magnetic fields to navigate useful?

Studying bacteria and animals that use magnetic fields to navigate can provide insights into how these organisms sense and respond to environmental cues. This understanding can have applications in various fields, such as bioengineering, environmental monitoring, and navigation technology. Additionally, it can help us better understand the diversity of mechanisms organisms use to interact with their surroundings.

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Community Answer 1Barometer and voltmeter_____________________________________________Community Answer 2A thermometer and light meter are the most useful when measuring two environmental changes.

What is environmental catalyst?

An environmental catalyst speeds up an environmental related process. It is useful in conversion of green raw materials and waste into energy.

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