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Ants do not have any more muscle than we do, but we have more mass and less muscle copared to our weight. Ants small size allows them to use more muscle and carry less body. That is why they can carry 10 times their own weight.

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Q: Why can ants carry 10 times their own weight?
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How much can army ants carry?

A single army ant queen can lay as many as 300,000 eggs in a matter of just a few days. Over 200 species of ants have the name army ants.

Can a thousand ants carry cheese?

Strong for their size, they can carry objects many times their own weight..It would depend on how big the cheese was.

How many ants would it take to carry a chair?

Most species of ants can carry approximately 10-20 times their own body weight.

How much weight can an ant can carry?

Ants can carry items 10 - 50 times their own body weight. Ants are small but they are very strong for their size. if you were that strong you could lift an automobile. the ants carry or drag heavy loads for food back to their nests. The food may be parts of plants or bits of dead animals.

Are they any fantastic facts about ants?

They can carry something like 100 times their own body weight. Look it up to find the exact amount.

What animal can lift the heaviest weight compared to its own weight?

the ants can carry over weigh things such as their food,any other ants which die. the ants can able to to carry double weigh than their weigh the ants can carry over weigh things such as their food,any other ants which die. the ants can able to to carry double weigh than their weigh

How many ants would it take to kill a person?

Ants can approxamently carry 50 times their own weight or more.

How much do leaf cutter ants weigh?

They can carry up to 50 times their own body weight with their jaws. That's the same as a human being able to pick up a truck with their teeth.

What is the animal that carries its home on their back?

The elephant is the animal which can carry the largest gross weight. Among insects, some species of ants can carry the heaviest load compared to body weight, at 10 or more times their own weight.

How strong are are ant?

AnswerAnts can lift 50 times their own weight. Ants are small but they are very strong for their size. If you were that strong you could life a car. The ants carry or drag heavy loads of food back to their nests. the food may be parts of plants or bits of dead animals.

How much weight can a housefly carry?

They can carry their own weight

How much can ant lift?

An ant can typically lift and carry four times its own weight.