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Noah took clean and unclean animals because God told him to, and Noah had strong faith in God(Genesis 6:9 + 7:2). Noah used the 'clean' animals for the purpose of sacrifice to God(Genesis 8:20) (Leviticus 1:10)(Leviticus 1:14)(Leviticus 17:11)

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Q: Why did Noah take clean and unclean animals?
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What was the purpose of the unclean animals?

The hoof or foot of the beast. a cloven hoof (hoof is split example A Camel has a cloven hoof) this makes it unclean . while a hoof without a split is not unclean. Example Cows horses buffalo ect So... A horse is unclean but they still took it onto the ark. however a dog or a cow is clean.

What was contradictory about the number of animals on Noah's ark?

Nothing! Critics like to misrepresent the references to by two's meaning a male and female in each pair and the reference to specifics which tells us there were 7 pairs of each clean beast and 2 of each unclean beast

What would the tooth fairy say to unclean teeth?

she would take it and clean it

How many animals did Noah saved from the flood?

A:Genesis 6:19 says that God told Noah to take two of every living, while 7:2 says to take seven of every clean thing and two of every unclean thing, and then 7:5 says that Noah did as God told him. So, one way or the other, he took every animal on the Ark. He did not take the unicorn onto the Ark, but the unicorn belongs to an entirely different legend and we should not concern with it in relation to Noah's Ark.

How many clean animals were on Noah's Ark?

OpinionThe Old Testaments wrote a list of unclean animals; Deuteronomy 14:7-19 & Leviticus 11:2-31. I Guess, any animals outside this list are clean animals. AnswerAs specified in the Torah, the clean land animals are any animal that both chews its cud and has split hooves. Examples of these animals are: cows, bison, water buffalo, deer, giraffes, sheep, and goats.

Why did Noah put only two of each animal on the ark and how did he keep them from mating?

Because God told him to put two of every 'unclean' beast but sevens of all the beasts considered 'clean'. Also the birds were represented in sevens. As for the mating we aren't told but there's no reason why they wouldn't have. Two Genesis 6:19 Of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark. Genesis 7:8, 9, 15 Of clean beast and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowl ... there went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God commanded Noah. This verse, God commanded Noah to take both clean and unclean animals in pairs. Seven Genesis 7:2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take thee by sevens, the male and his female. Note; Seven is an odd number and cannot be a pair. There will one odd animal left behind with no pair. More than likely these were used for sacrifice after the ark landed on dry ground, as at this point mankind had not been given permission to eat meat.

How many animals of each sex did Moses take on the ark?

Moses didn't take any animals on the ark, Noah did.

When did human beings start to eat non vegetables in Bible?

After the flood. See Genesis 9:1-3.Answer:The biblical evidence is that animals were eaten prior to the flood, as Noah was commanded by God:"Take with you seven of every kind of CLEAN animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of UNCLEAN animal, a male and its mate." (Gen.7:2)It becomes obvious that Noah was aware of God's laws of "clean and unclean" animals, which enumerated what animals are fit for human consumption and which ones aren't. Moses was inspired to write them down, later, in Leviticus 11, for us in these latter days [Acts 7:38]:"...These are the beasts which ye shall eat among all the beasts that are on the earth." (Lev.11:2)"This is the law of the beasts... to make a difference between the unclean and the clean, and between the beast that may be eaten and the beast that may not be eaten." (verses 46-47)God didn't have to explain to Noah which animals were clean or unclean, because Noah was aware of the law.Plus... Abel began making animal sacrifices unto the Lord in the aftermath of his parent's "sins" [Gen.4:4 & Heb.11:4 & 12:24]. Sacrifices, the ordinances of which Moses also wrote down, reveal the priests would eat:" I commanded, saying, Aaron and his sons shall eat it." (Lev.8:31)Besides veggies... humans began eating animal flesh almost as quickly as God required their sins be expiated by animal sacrifices... the flesh of which pointed to Christ:"...Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you." (John 6:53)

How did the animals enter Noah's ark?

The account in the book of Genesis (roughly chapters 6-8) do not mention anything about how the animals entered the ark. It does say that there was a single door to the ark (Genesis 6:16), but how big that door was is not specified. Tradition says the animals entered "two by two." Tradition also forgets to note that Noah was told to bring in 7 of each type of clean animal, not just the standard "one pair of each."

How many pairs of clean animals did God tell Noah to put in the ark?

A:There are two very different biblical accounts of how many clean animals went onto Noah's Ark. In Genesis 6:19-20, Noah is told to take two of every animal (not two pairs) onto the Ark, clean or unclean, but in Genesis 7:1 he is told to take two of every unclean animal and seven pairs (the male and his female) of every clean animal. The reason for this surprising find is that there are actually two stories of Noah's Ark in the Bible, written by two different authors and cleverly interleaved so that the result appears to be just one, rather complicated story. In the same way as there are two answers to this question, we can also find that one story has the flood subsiding in just forty days, while the other says that it lasted one year.We do not know the names of the two different authors of the biblical stories of Noah, and they are now called the Priestly Source and the Yahwist:· The Flood verses attributed to the Priestly author are: Genesis 6:9-22, 7:6, 7:8-9, 7:11, 7:13-16a, 7:18-21, 7:24, 8:1-2a, 8:3b-5, 8:7, 8:13a, 8:14-19, 9:1-17.· The verses attributed to the Yahwist are: Genesis 6:5-8, 7:1-5, 7:7, 7:10, 7:12, 7:16b-17, 7:22-23, 8:2b-3a, 8:6, 8:8-12, 8:13b, 8:20-22.

If the purpose of putting pairs of animals in Noah's ark is to preserve the species then why did Noah offer them to God by burnt sacrifice when the water receded?

The offering of animals as burnt sacrifices after the flood was not related to the preservation of species. It was a religious practice of gratitude and worship towards God, which was common in many ancient cultures. The purpose of the ark was to save Noah, his family, and the animals from the flood, and the act of offering animals as sacrifices was a separate spiritual practice.

How many pig did Noah take onto the ark?

2 This is a common misconception from the song that we all have to sing a youngsters the actual number could either be 7 which is the generally accepted answer or 14 depending on how you interpret certain versions of the bible. So the answer would be 7 unless you interpret the bible to say 14 but it is not 2 this is because Sheep are considered clean animals, only unclean animals were taken on to the ark in two's.