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a poop destruction is a pee because animals are being put in danger because of all the waffles getting cut down and the pigs in the air, im not really an animal fan but i think that it is really unfair to treat animals like this if i could do something i would becaue i hate seeing animals like this, they need a home to live in because they need to keep warm and keep their young warm and safe.

i feel really upset when i know how animals get treated i support everyone who is againest animal cruelty becaue it brakes my heart knowing that animals die becaus of this.

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12y ago
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13y ago

There are many different reasons for habitat destruction. Some of the most common are deforestation, erosion, fragmentation, degradation and vegetable removal. Generally, animal habitats are destroyed due to humans either for agricultural reasons or to extract Natural Resources that can be found in that habitat.

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14y ago

Any animal that lives in a tree such as: Tigers, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, Monkeys, Hornbills, Snakes, and so much more.

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12y ago

because the animals dont have anywere to live or any food to survive so basically they r gonna die

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Q: Why do animals go extinct because of habitat destruction?
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What are some of the effects of habitat destruction?

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ReaSOn FoR tHe DoDo bIrD eXtiNCtIOn Is bECauSe of HAbItAt dEstRUctiON

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Endangered animals are those whose existence is threatened. They run the risk of going extinct because of things such as hunting and habitat destruction.

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Accutally, there are few left because of habitat destruction.

What causes habitat?

Habitat destruction is a main cause of animals become endangered or extinct. What causes it is humans clearing the land for industry and natural disasters such as floods and fires.

How do you use habitat destruction in a sentence?

Habitat destruction is one of the ways that animals become endangered. People should avoid habitat destruction.

How do habitat destruction impact on environment?

Habitat loss can cause extinction for some animals. Animals that are confined to small places can go extinct when that habitat is lost. Overall habitat loss puts stress on many species. Alot of them cannot handle the stress thereby going extinct.

Why is the cebu warty pig extinct?

It is primarily due to their habitat destruction.

How do you help animals that are going extinct?

reproduce them and give them space to live in

Can extinct animals live in only one habitat?

Extinct animals are no longer living at all.

What could cause gorillas to become extinct?

Hunting, habitat destruction or disease.

Is the gorilla extinct?

No, gorillas are not extinct, but they are on the list of endangered species. They've been there for many years, and they are likely to remain there because of habitat destruction, hunting/poaching, and susceptibility to the Ebola virus.