

Why do animals need chlorophyll?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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13y ago

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We may not need chlorophyll itself but the nutrients in the chlorophyll are needed by our body. The central atom of chlorophyll contains magnesium. Magnesium helps our bone and nervous system. The chemical formula of chlorophyll is similar to hemin of our blood. Doctors found out that patients treated with both chlorophyll and iron supplement have higher blood count than patients treated with iron alone.

This is the reason why a sick person is advised to eat green leafy vegetables.

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13y ago
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14y ago

That is right. They do not have chlorophyll therefore they cannot process photosynthesis and cannot make food from the sunlight. That's why animals have to consume to make energy.

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11y ago

Well, sponges for example, are sessile (nonmoving) and filter the water around them for animal and plant particles to eat.

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Do animals have chlorophyll?

Only photosynthesising plants need to produce chlorophyll, because they feed autotrophically i.e. they make their own food, and chlorophyll is used to make plants' food. Animals don't make their own food so have no need for chlorophyll.

Do animals get chlorophyll from plants?

Animals don't have chlorophyll's

Why is chlorophyll only found in plants?

chlorophyll converts light into energy in the process of photosynthesis. As animals or bacteria etc. do not photosynthesize, they don't need chlorophyll.

Why do humans need a digestive systembut not in plants?

Plants have chlorophyll that absorbs light in energy. We don't have that chlorophyll. Also plants Producers. Animals are consumers.

Do animals contain chlorophyll?

No. Chlorophyll is unique to green plants.

Why are chloroplast not present in animal cells?

Plants manufacture their own food by photosynthesizing light with their chloroplasts and chlorophyll. Since animals acquire nutrition in a different way, by eating their food, they have no need for chloroplasts and chlorophyll.

Do both animal and plant cells have a chloroplast?

The purpose of chloroplasts is to create chlorophyll in a plant. Animals don't need to create chlorophyll so they don't have any chloroplasts in their cells.

Why don't animal cells contain chloroplasts?

Animals do not use photosynthesis, so they do not need chlorophyll, which is stored in the chloroplasts.

Why do animals owe their existence to the presence of chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll traps energy for photosynthesis and in photosynthesis oxygen is released that is used by animals for their respiration.

Do animals and plants contain chlorophyll?

No animals do, and only green plants do.

Why are animals not able to make food the way plants do?

Animals do not have chlorophyll.

Is chlorophyll in plants or animals?

plants - it photosynthesises.