

Why do black birds look up towards sky?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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Because that's the color God gave them.

Some are white, like the great egret and snowy egret..The reddish egret is a purple reddish color.

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Because God (Allah) created birds like that OBVIOUSLY...

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11y ago

To look bigger 2 other birds

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Q: Why do black birds look up towards sky?
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Why was there a big group of Black birds in a heart shape hovering in the sky?

Large groups of black birds, such as starlings or crows, often gather in mesmerizing formations like murmurations or shapes like hearts as a defensive mechanism against predators. This behavior helps to confuse and deter potential threats like birds of prey.

Where is the sun at midday?

The sun is typically located at its highest point in the sky at midday, which is around noon. Its position will vary based on your location and time of year, but it will generally be towards the southern part of the sky in the northern hemisphere and towards the northern part of the sky in the southern hemisphere.

What does it mean when there are lots of birds in a flock in the sky?

A large flock of birds in the sky typically indicates social behavior among the birds, such as migration or foraging for food. It could also indicate safety in numbers to deter predators or to navigate better during flight.

What specific verse in revelations speak of birds falling from the sky?

None that I can recall. Revelations 19:21 is the only bird specific passage I know of. However in it, the birds eat the flesh of the dead.

Why do birds not cast their shadows while flying high in the sky?

Birds flying up in the sky do not cast their shadow because the source of light (sun) is too large compared to the object (bird) and the umbra of the shadow formed on the screen (ground) is very small, negligible.So it is tough to see its shadow on the ground. (P.S. If this is a VNS student reading this for Physics research, then I'm pretty sure you're in my grade and you know who I am)

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You look at where the sun is in the sky, E.g. if you wanted to be in the east you would look towards the sun (the sun rises in the east).

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up is up towards the sky and on is on something (eg look UP there, Im ON a chair)

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If you were a bird you would fly in the sky. If I was a bird I would fly in the sky. Shall is permissive meaning I give to you permission or it is allowed. Birds do fly without permission. This is why I replace shall with would.

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Nothing in particular. It would depend on the location and time.

What is the shinedown album cover a picture of?

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