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The flesh of the blobfish is primarily a gelatinous mass with a density slightly less than water; this allows the fish to float above the sea floor without expending energy on swimming.

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Q: Why do blob fish float above the ocean ground?
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What if you did not have a skeleton?

you would be a blob on the ground and die.

How blob fish survive?

Blob fish survive by laying on the bottom of the ocean floor and eat anything that floats by!

Do blobfish have babies?

Blob fish have babies by laying thousands of eggs. The female will then float over the eggs which will eventually hatch into thousands of young blob fish.

Why are blob fish endangered?

Blob fish survive by laying on the bottom of the ocean floor and eat anything that floats by!

What is clear and looks like a blob in the ocean?

A jellyfish I would presume.

What does the Pacific Ocean looks like?

The Pacific Ocean looks like a a blob of color blue covering 2/3 of the earth from outer space

Were blob fish born ugly?

yes it is prabably born from the trash and thrown into they ocean

What can be known about a density of an object greater than h2o?

You can deduce that, if the object was in the form of of a solid "blob" it would not float on water.

When was the blobfish discovered?

The blob fish was discovered in the 1800s and can be found in the Pacific Ocean

What is a blob fish's habitat?

Water, just as a silly answer. No, no I won't be harsh to you,Not many people ever see a blob fish. That's because they live in very deep water, almost on the bottom of the ocean.

How the organisms affects the environment and vice-versa?

organisms help theenvironment and the environment helps organisms

What did people do during Hurricane Katrina?

blob were bob blob blobabdy blob blob