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Why do you like to have your back rubbed?

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Q: Why do cats like to be rubbed underneath their chin?
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Do cats like it when you squeeze their thigh?

Most cats do not like being squeezed or held tightly. They like to be rubbed and petted and played with.

Is is normal for cats to like to be spanked?

NO, would you like to be spanked? Cat's like to be rubbed and sometimes hard but not spanked.

How do you get your jealous cat to like you?

Rub underneath its chin, and if all else fails...get a Dog

Do cats like there Bellie rubbed?

yes and no. its kinda like marmite they love it or hate it. you can test this theory by wearing gardening gloves for protection.....good luck! :) my cat hates it but my friends cat loves getting his belly rubbed.

Where do Siamese cats like to be scratched?

My three boys love to be scratched under the chin and on the top of the head.

Why does your rabbit like its chin rubbed?

a coyote uses the restroom on something when they claim it. rabbits do it appropriately, but hysterically. they rub their chin on things to tell others that it's theirs, but if you touch it they won't mind, especially if they're eating.

Why did my guinea pig close his eyes and lay down when i ws petting him?

These animals like this kind of attention. They can be similar to dogs and cats. They like to be rubbed and petted.

Do cats have tattos?

Tattoos? you mean like there shin is the same color as the fur underneath? yes. ink tattoos? no.

Who first used the idiom rubbed the wrong way?

It refers to cats, if you stroke the fur opposite to its natural lie, the cat does not like it. Its first use is not known.

Why do most cats not like their bellies rubbed?

As with most animals, cats allowing another organism, be it animal or human touch its body is a big sign of trust. Because the belly is where the vital organs are the most accessible, they are very protective of it. Unless a cat lays near you stretched out with its belly facing you, it probably does not want its belly rubbed and will not change its mind.

Do Guinea pigs like there belly rubbed?

When petting a guinea pig you should sit it on your lap facing you so it cant run off. Guinea pigs HATE being stroked on their bottoms. But they LOVE being stroked on their heads..... Some guinea pigs LOVE being stroked under their chin or the underneath of them.... your question didnt really make sense

What do cats not like?

because i have two cats i know what they don't like. they don't like water on them, they don't like loud noise's, they don't like being picked up all the time and they don't like being teased.What was said above may be true (for their cats, at least) but there could be better information. Cats do not generally like to have water sprayed on them or dumped on them. They also do not like their tails being pulled either, and they don't generally like being held upside down. Different cats dislike different things, so your cat may have things it doesn't like, (like getting its belly rubbed) while other cats would love/like it.