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becauese they need to stay moist and clean to sevive

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Q: Why do frogs spend more time in water then on land?
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Does frogs live on land and in the water?

Yes, frogs are amphibious creatures. Toads on the other hand spend more time on land than frogs do, but are still amphibians.

When frogs are pregnant will they spend more time in the water?

actually yes.

Do the seals spend most of their time in the water or on land?

seals spend more time on the land, they only go in water to hunt.

Does a toad swim its whole life?

No, most amphibians spend part of their life out of water and toads tend to spend more of their life out of water than some other amphibians such as frogs and newts. Toads return to water to mate.

Do polar bears spend most of their time on land?

Polar bears eat seals, and seals are found in the sea.

Is a walrus a land animal or water animal?

i would say a land animal because even though they spend a lot of there time in water they live on the ice

How do frogs appear in your pond?

Most frogs and toads do not live in water, but are rather terrestrial (living on the forestfloor) or are arboreal (living in shrubs and trees). A lot of species from the Ranidae-family are more aquatic (eg leopard frog), and only some frogs are only to be foud in water, like the Surinam toad. But frogs like these are exceptions.

Why must a frog return to water?

Frogs are amphibians, which means that they spend a large portion of their lives in or around water. However, frogs can only survive in fresh water as salt water as salt water is more concentrated than their bodily fluids. they will lose water rapidly and gain more salt than their body processes can handle, leading to their deaths.

Can frogs breathe underwater?

Yes. Frogs can breathe via lungs or skin. When above water, they rely mostly on lungs, aided by skin. When underwater, frogs "breathe" solely through their skin. (To be more accurate frogs perform gas exchange with their skin, as breathing pertains to lungs.)

If you pour water onto water does it get more wet?

no. water put on water makes more water. its the same as land on land. put land on land, makes more land not dyer land.

Why do frogs live in land?

Frogs - are usually better in water because they have looser hips and his hands are more stuck together witch can make him a bettter swimmer. Toads - are usually bigger and usually better on land because their hands and feet are not really hooked together and their hips are not as loose as frogs so their survive better on land. But - frogs and toads are they same in ways so please if you read this please help me save all frogs!

Can alligators climb trees?

Yes they can. But alligators spend more time in water.