

Why do guinea pigs stop still?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Usually, and most of the time, Guinea Pigs will stop what they are doing and stand still, when they are: Frightened, Curious, and when they hear an un-farmiliar noise. This is totally normal for any guinea pig to do, so don't be worried if your piggy is eating and stops still for a second or two.

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Are guina pigs endangered?

No, guinea pigs are domesticated as pets. In some countries they are even raised for meat. There are still plenty of guinea pigs.

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usually guinea pigs will eat the meat and stop at the skin. same with watermelon

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You stop feeding them when they die.

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No why would you ever think that the chemicals are toxic to Guinea pigs and babies you should stop using them.

How old are guinea pigs to stop drinking milk?

When they are about 3 weeks old.

Do wild guinea pigs have predators?

There are still wild guinea pigs living in South America, in the mountains of Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. Wild guinea pigs have different predators to modern guinea-pigs because of where they live. Predators of wild guinea pigs are wild cats, coyotes, wolves, snakes, hawks, and owls. Humans probably hunt them for easy food, also.

Are guinea pigs a pig or?

No!!!!!!!They are actually part of the rodent family.

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What age should guinea pigs stop getting pregnant?

They stop having babies at six monthes of age. after that, if the guinea pig get pregnant, babies cant be born which would kill the mother because a couple bones close after that age and babies cant come out.