

Why do people hate cats?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

Best Answer

Personally, I adore cats. but all people are different. Many people like dogs


It also just depends on the animal itself. I think most people say they hate cats because they fall under the assumption that cats smell, are mean, hate people, and are moochers. True, you will find cats like that. But they most are amazing pets.

I think that people shouldn't stereotype the animal, because all animals are different and have different personalities.

Another Answer

Dogs, are in fact, just like cats. (Personally, I do like cats better, simply because they look more adorable and thier behavior seems more adorable to me.) Simply, some people think dogs are cuter and some people don't. Maybe all the cats you met were outdoor cats. Outdoor cats aren't used to people. To tell you the truth, cats are not like people. Unlike people, they do not scratch and bite and cause violence simply for the sake of evil. Their 'violent' actions actually have a purpose and a reason.

Same with dogs, you know. Plenty of mean dogs around. Plenty of dogs that save your life. Plenty of cats,(yes, cats!) that save your life. Dogs can be gross (drool), cats can be gross (puke). Dogs can be adorable, cats can be adorable.

Also, little children are pretty much told that cats are awful creatures. In all the movies, why are cats associated with the bad guys? Why is Garfield the fattest, laziest, most ignorant, most selfish cat in the world? Why did they make a whole movie on That Darn Cat? Why did Sharon Creech write Hate That Cat? (Actually, in the end the character loves that cat, so, uh, that question actually has a legitimate answer.)

All I'm saying is, people just hate cats because they grew up around horrible stereotypes. But I have met so many countless cats and dogs, all adorable and nice.

Another Answer

To get to the truth is that the only reason why people hate cats is because they love dogs which is pretty stupid. It's like saying "Green is my favorite color so all things red should should not exist" See how stupid that sounds?

I'd like to clear some stereotypes:

Cats are freeloaders... So they don't do everything you say. That's like saying children are freeloaders.

Cats are mean... It's just as commmon for dogs to be mean.

Cats meow and hiss... Well dogs bark and growl.

Cats don't appreciate you... They do, they just don't devote they're entire lives to you.

Cats transmit toxoplasmis gondii and cause birth defects... only outdoor cats can get it directly and all you need to do WHILE YOUR PREGNANT is wear gloves in situations where you might come in contact with the droppings. That's the only way to get it.

Cats stink... Do you hear yourself? Dogs can stink too!

Cats are scaredy cats... Cats are just as brave as dogs, they're just not trained to be a guard cat, so they can be a little more afraid, but they can chase away dogs, bears and even robbers.

Cats have no use to the world... please look up "The Black Death" and figure out how cats could've helped if they weren't BURNED ALIVE!


Cats are not better than dogs, they are not worse. What makes them better or worse is about opinion on looks, really.

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12y ago

some person:

because they don't do much nd u should get a puppy

another person:

that's so mean to kitties. they do tons of stuff.

the only people to hate their cats are stupid because why the heck would you buy something you hate

ANOTHER PERSON: Cuz it smells like cat pee lol.

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