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The lack of sediments make deposit feeders scarce.

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Q: Why do rocky shores have very few deposit feeders?
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What do Weever fish eat?

Very small fish and shrimps it catches its prey on beach shores when it's buried under sand

Were does hummingbirds find there food?

Hummingbirds live on the edge of survival have an extremely fast metabolism and need all day long to stay alive. They eat the nectar from flowers that have co-evolved with them and from the hummingbird feeders we supply. Hummingbirds have no sense of smell but very keen vision are attracted to brightly colored flowers because these are the flowers that have co-evolved with them and have the high nectar they need. Also, hummingbird feeders are usually red to attract them as they travel on their migrations. People also hang red ribbons on their feeders to initially attract the birds. Hummingbirds are very smart.They have the largest brain of any bird when you consider size. So they remember and return to the same feeders each year. Hummingbirds also eat insects for protein.

How do wallaroos protect themselves?

The main method of self-defence for a wallaroo is its ability to bound up and down steep and rocky slopes agilely, expending very little energy. Their broad feet have roughened, thickened soles to help give them extra protection and grip for bounding up and down rocky terrain,

Are hummingbirds attracted to the color red?

Hummingbird feeders are red because many hummingbird-pollinated flowers are red. Hummingbirds see red very well but most insects do not, so red flower color is an adaptation to attract hummingbirds as pollinators and reduce competition with insects.

Where can one purchase an automatic pet feeder?

I am going away overnight and can't find anyone to feed my cat. I need to get an automatic pet feeder so that their food will still be available to them at the correct time. Where can I purchase one of these?

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Is the walrus a group animal?

Yes. They rest on rocky shores with their bretheren. But I don't think they swim in very large pods/groups. Maybe 5-10 walruses.

What are saltwater shores?

Saltwater shores are very salty and lots of things live in it.

What is an annelid worms nutrition?

lAnnelids range from carnivores, herbivores, scavengers, deposit feeders, and filter feeders lWith very few defenses, many remain in a burrow or secreted tube lCarnivores can capture prey with strong jaws and quickly drag it back to its burrow -Can use a muscular pharynx = eversible proboscis

Are the Rocky Mountains rocky?

Yes, very rocky.

Is mars a rocky planet or a planet?

it is a very rocky planet

Are Jupiter's moons rocky or gassy?

yes they are very rocky.

Can you opt out of a purchase if you gave a deposit?

Possibly. You will very likely lose your deposit.

Why was it so hard to travel or walk around ancient Greece?

because Greece was very mountainous and rocky.

What is a rocky ridge in the sea?

Yes! The rocky shores are found all over the world. However, they are by no means all the same, merely similar. The biggest adaptation to live on the rocky shore is being able to survive both underwater and while being exposed to the open air. The tide can rise and drop up to 12 feet on a rocky shore. Algae and crustaceans are both very abundant life forms found in this marine ecosystem.

Why is the rocky desert so empty of vegetation?

There is very little soil for plants to establish themselves in a rocky desert. Rocky desert where sand and stone were washed or blown away. This is usually associated with very hilly or mountainous terrain exposing very hard rocky material.

What is it like on Eris?

very rocky

Does Venus have a rocky surface or a gas surface?

Rocky surface but very gaseous atmosphere.