

Why do some ducks have an afro?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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That's a certain breed characteristic.

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Q: Why do some ducks have an afro?
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What are some ducks that begin with the letter T?

teal ducks

There were 9 ducks and 8 geese on the pond then some of the ducks flew away how many duck are left?

"A few." Ducks can fly......the problem tells you as much "Then some of the ducks flew away." Ducks fly South for the Winter.

Can ducks not have bills?

Ducks have bills but if there is a mutation some ducks could be born with misshapen or missing bills.

Can White Peeking ducks fly?

of course they can, almost all ducks can fly except some of the domestic ducks.

What is the Afro-Asian baptism?

No such thing exists. Baptism is an introduction to some religion or spirituality, there is no overall Afro-Asian religion.

When do you use some in a sentence?

Some day soon, I would like to visit the park to feed the ducks. I saw some ducks in my neighborhood last week. Some neighborhoods allow ducks to be kept as pets.

What are some action verbs for ducks?

Some action verbs for ducks are the following:EatFlyFollowLeadMigrateQuackSwimWaddle

Why is it that some ducks wont fly?

All ducks can fly, even domestic ones.

Is it ducks in a row or ducks in a line?

The common idiom is to "get your ducks in a row."

Do ducks eat beetles?

Well, ducks eat some insects so probably.

What can ducks do?

This depends on what kind of ducks you have. Some of the basics are quacking, swimming, mating, eating, pooping, making loud noises, and waddling around. Certain ducks are better than others at these things. I have noticed that call ducks are especially good at quacking and making noise. Runner ducks are good at running and have a unique shape that looks a bit like a wine bottle. Some ducks are good at hatching. Some are very good at flying. Some ducks are actually too heavy to fly, like Ruins.

What are the elements of the Afro-Asian Literature?

Afro-Asian literature shares many common themes with both cultures. Some of the more common themes are peace, nature, and the emphasis on emotions.