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Probable because they are schooling fish. Schooling fish stay together in groups so that it is harder for predators to get at them I think. Some schooling fish actually have to stay together in groups or else they will get sick, so if you have, or are going to get a tank, make sure you get enough. Or, they might not be schooling fish, and might just be scared!

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Q: Why do the fish at the aquarium always seem to be swimming in the same direction?
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What fish can you get on Happy Aquarium?

its lke about 30 over fish you can get, try on this site they got list what fish profit you can get, i always go there and check

When a fish dies in aquarium what to do?

Get a small Aquarium Fish Net, get the body of the Fish, put it in the toilet.

What does aquarium do?

An Aquarium is a glass or plastic tub that is filled with water. An aquarium supports some organism whether it is a plant or a fish. They almost always have filters and they give you a look at the ocean from inside your house.

Steal fish on happy aquarium?

no, you cant steal fish in happy aquarium

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A Fish named Wanda.

Does it harm fish if light is always on?

no if you keep the lights on all the time it will create algae faster in the aquarium

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if you have your fish in a cage the water has probably drained out and he is deceased, you must always put fish in an aquarium

How long can a fish live in a non-oxygen aquarium?

It depends on what kind of fish, and the size of the aquarium.

Can light travel through water?

Yes. As an example, the reason you can see fish in an aquarium or the bottom of a swimming pool is because of the light passing through, or into and out of the water.

What can aquarium fish eat?

Fish food

What is aquarium fishing?

Fishing in an aquarium; aquarium fishing is when you scoop fish out of your tank with a net.