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is it cold? or is there a sub aural sound source that you might just hear but causes the cat to constantly think that there is a danger

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Q: Why does a cat have his hackles up for several days?
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What does don't get your hackles up mean?

don't get angry or irritated

What is the raised hair on dogs back known as?

The hairs on the neck and back that stand up when a dog is showing aggression are called "hackles."

What is another word for hairs on a dog's back?

when the hairs stand up on a dogs back they are known as Hackles

What does the saying your hair stood on end mean?

In popular usage, it is comparing a person's reaction to a shocking event to that of a cat or dog. Your hair (except for scalp hair) will "stand on end" but since most of the hair on a human is not as obvious as a cat's or dog's, you will most likely describe the change of the texture of the get goosebumps. A hair is equipped with a muscle called the "erector pilus". When it contracts, the hair stands up, away from the skin. It makes cats look larger and serves as a non-verbal cue to other animals that trouble is about to happen. It also traps more air in the coat of an animal to provide more insulation when it is cold. Our hair still does it even though it serves no useful purpose. When a dog's hair "stands on end" because of some sort of stress or threat, it is interesting to note that it is called "getting its hackles up". Hackles are the neck feathers of a bird. Birds raise their hackles to threaten, warn and court. You can also "get your hackles up" when you get angry even if you don't have feathers.

What does the idiom don't get your hackles up mean?

"Getting one's hackles up" is a reference to animals that, in an effort to make themselves appear larger and more menacing, they will raise the hair on the back of their neck and down their back to serve as a visual warning to their apponent that the situation is reaching the flash point.

Her dog seems fierce?

You must be more specific. Fierce just barking? Growling snarling? Tail up? Down? Ear position? Hackles up?

How much does a cat get babies?

It can happen several times, about up to three-maybe four times.

Can a cat stay in a tree for 19 days?

If the cat is able to get water from somewhere, perhaps licking dew off the leaves or bark, yes, it is possible for a cat to stay in a tree for nineteen days or even longer. It is not particularly healthy for the cat, though, to stay up there so long.

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It can be infectious in body fluids (such as blood) up to several days at room temperature.

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up to several days

For how long can camel not eat?

several days up to a few weeks

Does getting your cat spayed change its behavior?

No, but it might act up the first few days