

Why does dog lick dogs bums?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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They just want to smell there bottom.

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Q: Why does dog lick dogs bums?
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Why do dogs lick certain people?

It's a possession thing. Dogs' saliva has a scent just like their urine...each is recognizeable. They will usually do it when there are other animals present in the house, but not always. They are claiming that person as "theirs".

What are dogs trying to do when they lick you?

It is not unhealthy for a dog to lick your skin. Dogs are attracted to your skin because of the salt on your skin. They will lick it off until they can no longer taste the salt.A dog lick is similar to a kiss. But also, dogs crave salt, and the human body naturally releases salt through minute pores in the body.

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not much, but i also think you mean "Do dogs lick feet?"

Is it ok to let a dog lick on you after they lick themslef?

Yes because from my understanding is that dogs are cleaner than you unless they have ticks