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Most likely this is due to an aural hematoma, which is basically a blood pocket. The ear is tender and swollen, it can be similar to an abscess, but is caused by shaking or scratching the ears a lot. Ear mites, ticks, wax build up, etc, are all common underlying causes which create hematomas. If left untreated it will generally go away, but can take several months and will cause a lot of pain to your pet. It's best to go to the veterinarian right away where they will drain and suture the hematoma so that it will heal properly. You'll most likely be given an antibiotic and directions to clean the ear for a couple of weeks before the stitches can be removed.

Other causes can be due to an infection. If your dog scratched his ear and then dirt got into it then it could be an abscess. The treatment is similar and a vet's assistance is needed to drain the abscess. You'll receive antibiotics and cleaning instructions, but most likely, no stitches.

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12y ago
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10y ago

There are several reasons why your dog may have a swollen neck. Common reasons for a canine to develop a swollen neck include Allergies, swollen glands, sinus infection, or thyroid condition. Your vet will need to assess the overall condition of the dog to determine the exact reason for this occurrence.

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13y ago

I would take the dog to a vet immediately, especially if it was bitten by a snake. Please don't wait. Your dog could die.

Lots of things could cause it; swollen glands are a sign of a serious infection, allergic reaction or, as mentioned above, exposure to a toxin. Absolutely get the dog to a vet ASAP.

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13y ago

You need to take your dog to your Veterinarian to see what is wrong with him or her. He or she could have a huge abscess or numerous other things. Only a Veterinarian can accurately diagnose your dog. Don't wait and let your dog suffer, go immediately.

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11y ago

i have a dog in her first heat and discovered a huge swollen gland on one side of her neck tonight, she is only about 3 days into her first heat and it is only enlarged on one side and the size of a Golf ball could these be related?

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10y ago

This could be many things like swollen lymph nodes, or a thyroid issue. It's best to check with your vet.

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14y ago

Have you tried taking it to a vet because if you are that conserned then you should have a check-up on it .

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15y ago

umm... maybe worms or he is constapated?

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What can a vet do for a small dog who has a lump under her chin?

It depends on what the lump is as to how it can be treated. If the lump is obstructing the dogs ability to eat and/or drink then the Veterinarian will more than likely opt for the lump to be removed. However, if the lump is cancerous then the vet should be able to sit down with the owner of the small dog and go over all of the different treatment options available to save the small dog's life. Therefore, if anyone has a small dog with a lump under their chin. They should consult their Veterinarian and talk with their Veterinarian on which treatment will/may work best.

Your dog has a bloody lump on the back of his neck what could this be from?

A bloody lump on your dog's neck could be from various causes such as an abscess, a bite wound, a cyst, or a tumor. It's important to have your veterinarian examine the lump to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

What is a dog stool?

A dog stool is a sample of the dogs waste that veterinarians use to tell if the dog is sick. A "stool" is a lump of faeces (sh*t).

How can you tell if a tic head is still embedded in a dog's skin?

You may feel a small bump or lump at the site of the tick bite or see a dark spot that looks like the tick's head. If you are unsure whether the tick's head is still embedded, it's best to have a veterinarian examine the area to ensure proper removal.

Who would win in a fight between a woman and a dog?

This depends on the strength and health of the woman and the size and strength of the dog. A small woman could not kill a large or medium sized dog without a weapon, but it could kill a small dog. A large woman fighting a large dog would have a chance to win depending on the breed of the dog. If the large woman killed the large dog, she would get a lot of injuries from the dog. An averaged sized dog can take down a woman, but a large dog is stronger than an averaged sized dog. If the woman had a weapon like a knife or a big stick, then she could kill the dog.

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Your puppy was attacked by a dog and now has a large lump on his head and slobbering badly is he dying?

It would be a good thing if you had your puppy checked out by a vet.

What can a large lump that is bleeding and smells be on a dog's neck?

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! Take it to a vet ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!

Do most men have a lump on the back of their head?

my dog and boyfriends also have it, i heard it means it balance out the skull, or gives them superpowers.

What can a vet do for a small dog who has a lump under her chin?

It depends on what the lump is as to how it can be treated. If the lump is obstructing the dogs ability to eat and/or drink then the Veterinarian will more than likely opt for the lump to be removed. However, if the lump is cancerous then the vet should be able to sit down with the owner of the small dog and go over all of the different treatment options available to save the small dog's life. Therefore, if anyone has a small dog with a lump under their chin. They should consult their Veterinarian and talk with their Veterinarian on which treatment will/may work best.

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as long as the big dog doesn't bite the small dog's head off, yes.

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What does it mean if a dog has a swollen soft not painful lump in neck?

A soft, non-painful lump in a dog's neck could be a lipoma, or fatty tumor. It can also be a cyst that a veterinarian can drain.

The dog starts trembling its head its legs gets like folded and it is unable to walk?

If it is a small dog it could be hypoglycemic (blood sugar dropped really quickly). If is ids drooling and has clenched jaws and keeps falling over it is hypoglycemic. If not, it could be having a seizure. Take him/her to the vet and let the vet know what is happening.

Is it possible for a dog's head to be the size of a car steering wheel?

If the dog is large enough, yes. It would be most likely a molosser breed; one of the mastiffs or large flock guardian breeds.

What should you do about a lump on your dogs back?

Make sure the dog doesn't lick it and get the dog to the vet ASAP.

What is the hard baseball sized lump on my dog's shoulder?

Get her to a vet immediately. It could be cancer... My friend had a dog, with the same thing: a lump on the shoulder. They said it was just a ball of muscle. Two years later, the dog had to be put down, because the lump was a massive tumor. So go to the vet, get your dog checked A.S.A.P.

Your dog was hit by a car last week He is walking and jumping around fine Today you noticed a large lump on left side by leg What do you do?

Take him to the Vet for accurate diagnosis and treatment.