

Why does your dog small like pee?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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fist of all my dog does not smell like pee and it is smell not small and if your dog smell like pee the peed on itself

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But a small crate for your dog from a pet-store. Put the dog in here when you go to school. The dog will only mind the first couple of days, but whenever you put the dog in there give it a treat. The dog will start thinking of the crate as its bed, and will learn to like it. This will make it so the dog will not pee in the house, and it probably won't pee in the crate either, since it wouldn't want to pee in its bed.

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I u let your dog inside your house and he is not trained is like saying : do whatever you want. Well maybe you can't to anything about it but if you see pee , clean it fast !

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it doesnt know is pee

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let a dog pee outside... if it poos clean it up please!!

Can a dog pee on a pregnantcy stick?

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do you love me or should i go pee-pee on you, Joerty Hertyolpe

What does a dog pee in?

By nature, they actually pee on a pole. Why? I have no idea.

Where can you get a pee pee max toy dog?

from ur mama

How much is to much pee for a dog?

theres never to much pee for a dog. the bater is ALWAYS filled