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Because they are made of a thick mucus to trap anything that goes near it, well, anything small at least, clearly YOU don't get caught in a spider web, but mosquitoes and flies do. Then the Spiders eat them.

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13y ago
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9y ago

Spider webs are made of protein. One of these is the soft, strong protein that creates the spider's silk, and the other is gooey and sticky, like mucous, The sticky protein is drizzled on the web as the spider makes it, causing the web to be sticky.

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14y ago

Spiders produce two kinds of silk - a sticky kind and a non-sticky kind. When a spider walks on its web, it walks only on the nonsticky strands.

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11y ago

no a spider web is not sticky on both sides

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11y ago

spiders do not get stuck in their own webs because they have these small little claws on the bottom of their legs!

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Why do spiders make spider webs?

spiders make spiderwebs so that when a fly flys by it flys into the web which is very sticky so the fly cant get out. the spider then wraps it up then sucks its blood for dinner.hunting spiders dont make webs.

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spider webs are made by spiders

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No,it will not because every spider has the same type of web so it can not be stuck to the same webs except a jumping spiders.

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Not all spiders spin webs to catch their food with. Among them are the wolf spider, trapdoor spider and the jumping spider.

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spiders make webs

What is made by?

spider webs are made by Spiders

Are spiders webs made of the spiders saliva?

No, its made from a fibrous spider silk that the spider makes.

Why do spiders have spider webs?

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no way, they can get stuck in their webs

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When spiders' webs are broken, they are likely to rebuild it. If it is interfered with in the process, it is likely the spider will go elsewhere and build another.

What do spiders weave?

Spiders weave webs (known as "spider's webs" or "cobwebs") for a variety of purposes, foremost for residence, food, and in some cases decoration.

What is a spinneret of a spider?

The structures used by spiders to produce silk for their webs.