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Because that way the ice ends up on top, leaving plenty of still liquid water for the fish to swim in.

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Q: Why is it beneficial for fish that water expands when it freezes?
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Which state of water allows fish to remain in a lake when winter temperatures are below 0C?

Water expands as it freezes so becomes less dense than liquid water. Ice floats to the surface leaving liquid water (for fish to swim in) below the surface ice.

Which state of water allows fish to remain in a lake when winter tempetures are bellow o degrees cellsious?

As water freezes, it expands, becoming less dense. This means that the ice is on the TOP of the lake, and the fish are below the ice, in unfrozen water. If it were not for this property of water, lakes would freeze from the bottom up, killing the fish. Most things do NOT expand when they freeze.

What happens if the whole pond freezes will fish die?

If the water freezes but the pond is deep enough for the fish to still be in water at the bottom there is a good chance they will survive. If all of the water freezes however and the fish become frozen solid then I'm afraid they are unlikely to survive.

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How do you put fish out of missory?

Put it in a bowl of water with a lid on it and place it in the freezer. The fish basically goes to sleep, and dies as the water freezes.

What if all of the water freezes in a canal what would happen to the fish?

Freezes too. It is very difficult for a canal to freeze because moving water is not likely to turn to ice

How can fish live in a frozen lake?

The top freezes. Under the frozen top is liquid water.

Fish survive through severe winters because of the property of water that allows water to?

Expand when it freezes, creating a floating and insulating layer of ice.

In Antarctica how do the fish get in the ice to hide?

Fish do not travel in ice, fish travel in liquid water. Fish remain in the Southern Ocean even when the sea ice freezes from the top. There are no fish in the ice sheet that covers 98% of the Antarctic continent.

Which state of water allows fish to remain in a lake when winter temperatures are below 0?

I think you are probably talking about the fact that frozen water (ice) is less dense than liquid water, so freezing temperatures will enable the ice to form on top of the waterbody, but still allowing liquid water underneath so fish can survive. Also, ice is usually translucent, so it can still penetrate the ice, allowing algae to continue to photosynthesize, providing oxygen for the fish below.

What are facts about ponds?

They are small and have a lot of fish and plants in them.Ponds will accumulate muck on the bottom if the water remains untreated with a beneficial bacteria.

How do you screw and chop a song how do you hot wire a car can a person od off weed can a fish drown in water were do the fish go when the water freezes?

How do I screw? Very well. How do I chop a song? I don't. How do you hotwire a car? That information is elusive for a reason. Can you overdose on weed? No. Where do fish go when the water is frozen? They go down deeper to where the water isn't frozen.