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I just got my dog spayed (2 days ago, actually) and she is currently suffering from this problem. From what I've gathered, this can be caused by:

1) Stress or pain. She's probably very scared.

2) The anethesia wearing off, just after getting spayed.

3) A side-effect from pain medication (giving to you for home-dosage). I've given this to my dog every 8-12 hours since being spayed.

4) She could be cold; I wrapped my dog in a blanket on my lap, and after a while she stopped trembling.

At two days, I would be concerned about infection if I saw shivering as this can be due to a temperature. Remember that a dog's normal temp is 100.5 - 102.5 Fahrenheit (38 - 39.2 C). Especially if it persists, see a vet, but always better safe that sorry.

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7y ago

Yes they are drowsy after being spayed, it is a major surgery and they have had anesthesia which takes awhile for the body to clear out. Usually by the next day or so they will be fairly normal but do not let them jump up on things until about 2-4 weeks later. Ask theses questions of the Veterinarian who spayed your dog.

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Yes. If the dog is female and not been spayed it could be a sign of a uterus infection. Even if not, it could be something serious.

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Why is important to have your dog spayed?

To prevent unwanted puppies from being born.

How do you prevent a female dog from being pregnant?

Get it spayed. Spaying a dog means removing its eggs.

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This is NOT normal, so get her back into the Veterinarian who spayed her or any Vet who can see her immediately. Do not put this off or you will have a dead dog.

Is it common for a female dog to be thrashing and breathing heavy after being spayed?

No! Call the vet!

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Actually, since the dog is not spayed at this time, they would simply abort/remove the puppies at the same time the dog is being spayed. It typically does not cost any more $$ than the cost of the surgery alone.

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I suggest that your dog has been spayed. If your dog has been spayed she will not go into heat.

Can two dogs have puppies when one is spayed and the other is not?

Spaying is the removal of the ovaries from a female dog. No dog that is spayed can have puppies. No female dog can have puppies with another female dog. If you are asking about a male dog, the correct term is neutered, not spayed.

How long is it to get a female dog fixed?

The female should be spayed (fixed) at about 6 months. Some believe that she should have a litter before being spayed, but the only thing that does is add more unwanted dogs to the dog pound.