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So they can get some oxygen with it and so they don't dry out.

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to keep it moisture

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So it doesn't over heat and explode! ={)

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Q: Why must a frog should stay i damp shady conditions?
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Who is slime shady?

Slime Shady is the lesser-known cousin of Eminem's alter-ego Slim Shady. I'm pretty sure Slime Shady is a frog, although he could also be a leaf...

What do you call a frog in rain it a joke?

Would you call the frog a wet toad? Maybe you could call it a damp frog?

How do you care for your frog eggs?

Frog eggs should be kept in natural water from a pond or rainwater. They should be kept in the same place and conditions they were laid in.

What has smooth damp skin and can live on land and in water?

I'm not sure.... a frog?

Where does a tree frog make its home?

i think in a tree or the ground were it is leafy and damp

What habitat does a wood frog live in?

Wild tree frogs originate from rainforests, where it is very humid and damp. They normally live in the top parts of trees, camouflaged in the leaves. It's very hard to spot them. They prefer hot conditions all year around.

How Is It Good For The Young And The Adult Of A Frog To Live In Different Surroundings?

Frog spawn has to be laid in water. The hatching tadpoles need to remain in water until they turn into a young frog. Then the frog can leave the water and will spend most of their time resting in dark, damp areas under large stones, etc.

What is a Thrush?

In humans, contagious disease caused by a fungus. The symptoms are small white eruptions in the mouth, fever, and diarrhea. In horses, an infection on the part of the hoof called the Frog

What are the adjectives in the poem the frog and the bird by vera hessey?

Some adjectives in the poem "The Frog and the Bird" by Vera Hessey include "green," "damp," "muddy," "muddy," "sudden," "tiny," "quick," "patient," "wise," and "soft."

Do garden snail eggs need water to be hatched?

No, not like a frog, it doesn't. But they do need to be covered lightly with soil and kept in the shade and damp.

Why can't frogs survive in seawater?

Actually there are some frogs that live in desert ares of Austria.The catholic frog. The Flat headed frog and the Rheoba Trachus Silus frog.

Can an African Dwarf Frog live with your platys and tetra?

As a basic rule amphibians (Frogs etc) should never be included in aquaria with fish. They require totally different conditions and should be in a vivarium not an aquarium.