

Why to some goats have horns?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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9y ago

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Defense is only one use of a goat's horns. This also applies to sheep.

Their horns have blood vessels running through them, and the horns help to regulate and cool the blood's temperature, especially on hot days. It is much like a dog panting or us sweating. Having their horns is very important.

Many goats (and sheep) are hornless. This is because they were disbudded (horns were surgically removed) or they are polled (horns didn't grow in due to breeding for that purpose).

Disbudding is painful and should be done by a qualified veterinarian only, as unexpected side effects can occur (especially infection).

Polled attributes can result in other mutations in babies, although they are rare.

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12y ago

Not all bulls have horns. But bulls that do have horns use their horns to dominate or intimidate other animals, they do this to people as well. The cow's main purpose of horns is to defend young calves and itself against predators.

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14y ago

This is obviously an evolutionary mystery as to why ungulates have evolved to grow horns on their heads. But for adaptation purposes, they pose two primary functions: as a defense mechanism, and as a tool to attract mates along with their body size, especially with males in the breeding season, and as a tool for battle if two males of the same size and stature decide to battle over a female.

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9y ago

Some goats are naturally polled, meaning they don't grow horns, most goats have horns because either the owner got the goat when it was more than a month old and didn't want to get it dehorned, because when goats have horns it hurts really bad to get then dehorned. You should dehorn goats when you feel or see the horn bud starting to grow.another reason is maybe the owner didn't get the goat dehorned soon enough, so it started to grow horns. or they just didn't want to dehorn them. If goat owners want to take their goats into a show then they have to be dehorned for the safety of the judges and audience.

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11y ago

It's a safety issue. A horned cow is more dangerous to people and other animals than a cow that is polled or dehorned. A cow (or bull) can injure someone with their horns even if they don't mean it. Working in close quarters with horned cattle is a risk to one's safety and not a very fun thing to do.

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14y ago

Horn weights have been put on the horns to make them grow downward instead of upward. Horns growing downward pose less risk of being capable of goring another animal or human, plus, for some breeds like English Longhorn and Hereford, it adds to their breed status and physique for the look of "nobility," or whatever you want to call it.

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14y ago

For the traditional-type breeds, they add to a kind of awe or respect for the breed, like Texas Longhorns. Out on the range, they are a formidable weapon for predators.

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Some goats use they're horns for sexual intercourse with other female goats, believe it or not this is 100% and COMPLETELY TRUE!

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Female what? Female goats with horns are common, Female sheep with horns, not so much, but some breeds do.

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La Manchas like all goats can have horns or be naturally hornless.La Manchas do have horns. Dairy goats are often dehorned because stupid humans prefer to mutilate animals rather than learn to live w/them; in fact, shows require dairy goats be dehorned whereas meat goats do not. La Mancha bucks have beautiful circling horns, the does' horns are upright like Alpines'. Horns for goats are like panting for dogs, they help regulate the body temperature. Horns also provide protection against predators.

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Can a goat have horns?

It is very natural for a goat to have horns. They use them for defense so goats actually should have horns.

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This is just a breed characteristic.