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Your cat is sick! Get it to the vets now!!! This may be a sign of Diabetes (just had a friend yesterday who's cat had the same symptom and was diagnosed with diabetes. It could be other variables of something wrong so it's best to let your vet diagnose your cat. Be sure you let the vet know how the cat is acting and that it's not drinking or if it urinates a lot or doesn't urinate enough and also that includes bowel movements.

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9y ago
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2mo ago

There could be various reasons why a cat may not be eating, such as illness, dental problems, stress, or changes in their environment. It is important to monitor your cat's behavior, consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis, and follow their recommendations for treatment.

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13y ago

There could be many different reasons why a cat stops eating. Refusing to eat is often a common sign the cat is in pain or feeling unwell, or could just be bored of the food. If you've tried different foods, and it still wont eat within two days, take it to the vet.

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13y ago

The first thing comes to mind is the cat either has been poisoned, or there is something wrong with its mouth (gum disease or a broken tooth can cause extreme pain to a cat). It is highly recommended to take the cat to the vet immediately, as a cat that has lost its appetite and drooling for no obvious reason can be serious.

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15y ago

Explanation for my Question

A few days ago my cat stopped eating or drinking and was throwing up almost every 2 hours with just white foam, yet he will play when we play with him, and purr when we give him his brushing. I took him to the vet and said they couldn't feel anything wrong with him, but they would need to do more tests. I didn't have the money to get x-rays (Since we're going through a Recession and my husband is being laid off). So i took my kitty home and have been syringing him water and food. After 2 days of doing this he looks better,is a little more active and has only thrown up 3 times since. He's peeing but i haven't seen a bowel movement yet. The last one he had was all hair, so my guess is its a hairball that could be lodged in his intestines. We are going to get him some hairball treatment today but does anyone have any opinions to what i can do if it is a digestive obstruction? I am afraid of my kitty dying. No one we know can loan us the money we need, im running out of ideas :(

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14y ago

Some cats drool when they are really happy, relaxed, or even when they sleep; just like some people do. But excessive salivating can also be a sign of the cat having tooth problems. You should take it to a vet for a check up just to be sure.

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16y ago

The first signs of a sick cat are not eating or drinking and it's time to take your cat to a vet. There could be many reasons why your cat is not well ... anything from bad teeth to a bladder infection, etc. It's up to the vet to diagnose your cat so please get your cat to the vets as soon as possible.

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11y ago

They wont eat because they are either sick or they are probably dyeing.

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8y ago

It may have some tummy problems. Call a vet.

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12y ago

take cat to a vet asap

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Q: Why won't your cat eat?
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Something is obviously very wrong with your cat. It cannot be diagnosed over the Internet so please take your cat immediately to your Veterinarian to have him or her checked out.

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take her to a different vet...maybe a cat specilest...

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give him a treat he wont usually eat then give a walk then feed dog,cat or bird food

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Impossible to answer without more information. Take it to a qualified vet ASAP !