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We should observe safety measures while caring for animals because it may be for our own good. Animals will treat you based on how you treat them! ;) hope i had helped haha

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Q: Why you observe safety measure while caring for animals?
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Why should you observe safety measure while taking care of animals?

You should observe safety measures when taking care of animals for a number of reasons. These animals can bite and sting.

Why should you observe safety precautions while caring for animals?

When caring for animals, and in all your other activities, you should practice appropriate safety precautions because you do not want to be injured or worse, and precautions help you avoid that.

How can you practice safety measures on caring for animals?

Your most important safety measure is to observe an animals behavior at all times and be aware of it's changes so you can act accordingly. Animals will warn you on whether they are approachable or not. In your home you can also practice keeping items out of reach that they may chew on and eat because many animals become very ill and can die from blockages. Keeping their environment clean and free any places that may be a good breeding ground for bacteria and parasites.

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When you measure something then you have to measure carefully because if you make mistake then you have to redo it .

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The characteristics of a good shepherd include caring for the animals needs and safety. A shepherd must provide love, food, water, and shelter for the animal.

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People not caring about Health and Safety.

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Observe or participate in the safety process

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If you don't observe the safety rules in a laboratory, you or someone else may be injured, made sick, or killed.

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Why is important to observe safety rules in salon?

Because everyone has a responsibility for the safety of themselves and everyone else.