

Will doxycycline stop cat diarrhea

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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I assume it's antibiotics specifically for cats. You cannot give them the same as for humans and never without consulting a vet. Antibiotics work the same way on cats as it does in humans - it kills the good bacteria in the stomach as well as the bad so diarrhea is a side effect. As long as the cat eat and drink this is not dangerous. I suggest you ask the vet that prescriped them to you since he knows what they were for. Diarrhea can be very dangerous for a cat of it gets dehydrated.

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Possibly, but there's no guarantee. Doxycycline is an antibiotic that tends to be effective against Gram negative bacteria. If your cat's diarrhea is caused by an overgrowth of Gram negative bacteria, the doxycycline may be able to help. However, if the diarrhea is because of something else, the doxycycline may make it worse by killing off the normal commensual bacteria in the gut.

Also, doxycycline is a prescription drug; if you haven't received this as a prescription from your veterinarian I would advise you not use it to treat your cat. In the United States it is possible to purchase doxycycline at farm supply stores - but this is formulated for cattle, not cats. The doseage is all wrong for cats, and the method of administration is injection - not an easy thing to do to a cat at home unless you have training and experience.

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Can my cat get Diarrhea before she goes into labor?

If your asking is it normal for you to have diarrhea after your cat gives birth no. If your asking is it normal for the cat to have diarrhea after giving birth then yes it can happen just make sure your cat keeps drinking

Yourolder cat has diarrhea what can you give her?

It is best to consult with a veterinarian before giving any medication to your cat. They can provide proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment for your cat's diarrhea. It is important to address the underlying cause of the diarrhea to ensure your cat's health and well-being.

What does it mean when a cat has diarrhea for a long period of time?

Having diarrhea for a long time is not normal and can dehydrate the cat. You need to take your cat into see your Veterinarian. Bring a small sample of your cat's stools too. Make sure your cat has free access to plenty of fresh water and that you are feeding a good name brand of dry cat food, not some cheap generic food. So make an appointment right now for your cat at your Vets.

How do you stop a cat from lactating?

A cat will stop lactating when she is no longer nursing her kittens. A cat will know when to stop her kittens from nursing when she is ready.

Can you give a cat doxycycl?

No, you should never give doxycycline to a cat without first consulting a veterinarian. Doxycycline can be harmful to cats if given in the wrong dosage or for the wrong condition. Consulting with a vet will ensure that your cat receives the appropriate treatment.

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If the question is "how do you stop cat diarrhea?" then the simplest and quickest answer is: take her to the vet. Most often, particularly if it has persisted for more than a couple of days, this is a bacterial problem and will need treatment with antibiotics.

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Chronic diarrhea is diarrhea that does not stop.

Things you can do at home for diarrhea in cats?

If your cat has diarrhea, get him Feline Gastralox.

Can my cat get Diarrhea before she goes into labor?

If your asking is it normal for you to have diarrhea after your cat gives birth no. If your asking is it normal for the cat to have diarrhea after giving birth then yes it can happen just make sure your cat keeps drinking

Can you take gaviscon with doxycycline?

Yes. However, some people experienced diarrhea, vomiting, and other short-term stomach ailments.

How do I stop my cat's diarrhea?

The first step to stopping a cat's diarrhea would be to change their food/diet as their stomach may have a problem with the food they're currently eating - feeding them bland recipes should help. Fasting for 12-24 hours while allowing them to drink water may also clear the problem. Certain medications may also help treat your cat's diarrhea, though a vet's opinion and permission should be obtained first.

Does drinking flour water help stop diarrhea?

no, a good way to stop diarrhea is to eat salty foods and salt-water.

Can you buy something at a herbal store for a cat with diarrhea?

The best product for a cat with diarrhea is Feline Gastralox. It is entirely supplement based (natural) and works in the first few doses.

Yourolder cat has diarrhea what can you give her?

It is best to consult with a veterinarian before giving any medication to your cat. They can provide proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment for your cat's diarrhea. It is important to address the underlying cause of the diarrhea to ensure your cat's health and well-being.

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How do you stop vomit and diarrhea?

drink smoothies

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Wow, a 13.9lbs diarrhea, that's one massive diarrhea, I dread to think how big your dog is!!