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Yes and no. If your rabbit eats the wiring then he will have to go to the vet. No is when he/she just chews on it and doesn't eat any of it.

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Q: Will your rabbit get sick if he eats house insulation?
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Animals which interact with targeted pest can also be affected by he chemical application.?

Yes. Say if a rabbit was targeted to be removed from an area where it is not native, and a type of wolf eats that rabbit, and the rabbits were being poisoned, when the wolf eats the poisoned rabbit, the wolf could get sick and die too.

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How soon after a rabbit eats something unhealthy for him would he get sick?

It usually doesn't take really long , but if the rabbit seems OK, it is probably because it is immune to the food that it is eating if the item is poisonous or toxic . If the item is fattening it does take some time for about 24 hours to about 4 days if it eats too much.

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Rabbits often sleeps when they are sick.

How many fruits should a rabbit eat in a day?

Too many fruits can make a rabbit sick. Fruits are optional treat foods in a rabbit's diet. The House Rabbit Society recommends no more than 2 tablespoons of fruit a day (or other treats) for a normal, healthy 6 pound rabbit.

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if a rooster eats choclate then it will get sick.

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If the rabbit is sick let it eat whatever it can eat if it will eat. A lot of rabbits stop eating and drinking before they die.

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A katydid will not make a cat sick if he eats it. Cats can eat bugs without the bugs making the cat sick.

What do you give a sick rabbit?

Diet coke

Will your rabbit get sick if he ate cantalope rind?

Your rabbit might get sick if he ate cantaloupe rind, but it is not likely. It is important to wash all fruits and vegetables before giving them to your rabbit. This removes any herbicides.

How does a rabbit get sick?

well a rabbit can get sick by getting on poisin ivea and some rabbits aren't soppose to get on poisin ivea so that's one way.

What happens if you eat a rabbit that has cancer?

you might get sick