Alpaca fleece is very rich and silky with considerable luster. It comes from the Alpaca.
Mohair is from the angora goat and is highly resilient and strong. Mohair's luster, not softness, determines its value. Mohair is used in home decorating fabrics as well as garment fabrics including tropical worsteds.
Angora wool is from the angora rabbit. This soft fiber is used in sweaters, mittens and baby clothes.
Camel hair is from the extremely soft and fine fur from the undercoat of the camel. Camel's hair can be used alone but is most often combined with fine wool for overcoating, topcoating, sportswear and sports hosiery. Because of the beauty of the color, fabrics containing camel's hair are usually left in the natural camel color or dyed a darker brown. Light weight and soft, it is said that a 22 oz. camel fabric is as warm as a 32 oz. woolen fabric.
Cashmere is from the Kashmir goat down. Separation of the soft fibers from the long, coarse hair is tedious and difficult, contributing to the expense of the fabric. The soft hair is woven or knitted into fine garments and can also be blended with silk, cotton, or wool.
Vicuna is the softest coat cloth in the world. The amount of coarse hair to be separated from the soft fibers is negligible and yields the finest animal fiber in the world. Vicuna is a member of the Llama family and is small and wild. Since it is generally killed to obtain the fleece, it is protected by rigorous conservation measures. This fiber is rare and very expensive, costing several hundred dollars per yard.
I'm not sure that Australia is famous for any 'manufactured' goods. It produces lots of wool and good wine for export.
A zookeeper is a person that takes care of any animal in a zoo and keeps track of the animals diet and weight. Veterinarians take care of sick animals and gives them medicine
The entire body of a black sheep is covered in wool, just like any other sheep. The wool can vary in color, with black sheep producing black wool.
To make a braided wool roving rug, first cut wool roving into equal lengths. Braid the wool roving strips together to create a rope-like structure. Sew or glue the braided strips in a circular or oval shape to form the rug, securing the ends. Trim any loose ends for a neat finish.
In general, burrowing animals of any kind loosen up the soil as they travel through it, which gives "breathing room" for the roots of plants to expand into. Burrowing animals help plants grow.
Wool comes from any part of any country where animals are raised that produce fleece.
Sure. Felt is made of wool. A magic marker will work as will any protein (acid) dye.
You can blend silk with wool when spinning yarn, without reaction.
No, many animals produce hair that is suitable for spinning into yarns or thread and weaving into cloth. Any hair that is suitable for this use may properly be called wool. Among other animals, wool is commonly obtained from: Sheep Goats Rabbits Camels Musk Ox American Bison Llama Alpaca Vicuna Guanaco Yak
Almost any article or accessory can be made from wool -- useful by humans from infant to senior, even some useful by animals. Examples include clothing, bedding, shoes, bags and more.
Soft, fluffy, whatever you think of when you hear "cotton wool".
Sparrow gives birth to sparrow only. Not any other animals. That is the law of the nature.
Any sheep's coat can be used for wool.
Man has used the wool of sheep and lambs as long as he has been hunting or using these animals - which would go back 30 to 50 thousand years. We don't know who the exact person is who discovered that wool is an insulator, any more than we know who the person is who mastered fire.
Micron count for any wool depends on the fleece used in its fabrication. Baby yak fleece is made up of fibres with a narrower micron measurement that goat or sheep fleece from adult animals. Average in this case is not a valid statistic, since the type of wool in your question is undefined.
Llamas actually have wool similar to that of a sheep, however it does not have the oil that sheep wool has. It is called fiber while on the animal. It is finer than sheep's wool and only one percent of it will shrink.
Good quality wool can be any colour.