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Q: You have found a brown spider with a thick white stripe down its back can anyone help you find out what it is please you live in the UK?
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Brown spider with yellow stripe on its head?

A brown spider with a yellow stripe on its head is a wolf spider. The wolf spider may sometimes have an orange stripe on their head also.

What type spider has a brown stripe down the back?

your mummy spider

What kind o spider has brown stripe legs and green a body?

look up a green lynx spider

What kind of spider has a black body with brown stripe on its back?

i think it would b a tarantula

What kind of spider is Small brown smooth spider with one white stripe down its back?

The worst kind.

What kind of spider is light brown with a dark brown stripe on its back found early summer in the basement?

Not enough information to answer this question without knwing location of spider and season.

Black spider with a silver stripe on its back what type is it?

this is a common fishing spider... common to all of north America although not venomous they will bite if it feels threatened.

What spider has a large brown body with one white stripe?

It may be a Garden orb-weaving spider, "Most are stout, reddish-brown or grey spiders with a leaf-shaped pattern on their fat, roughly triangular abdomens, which also have two noticeable humps towards the front. They sometimes have a dorsal stripe which may be white or brown edged with white." this is the site i found helped me.

Spider in my garden it is brown with a yellowish-creamy stripe down its back and stiped legs it is making a lot of webs as well do you know what kind this is?

It is a poisoinus spider wich is also deadly. SO DON'T TOUCH IT.

Can anyone identify a big white spider with brown reddish legs?

A big white spider with brown, reddish legs might be a crab spider. Crab spiders like to live in outdoor areas where there is plenty of food for them, like in a garden.

What is brown aggressive poisonous spider?

brown recluse spider

Can someone please identify a spider I had crawl out of my boot at scout camp. It was light brown spider with black striped legs and a white back with a fat egg sack underneath it and it was very fast?

brown spider and its very deadly, it can kill within 30 minutes.