

Best Answer

A bag of rice.

A Pagan Perspective

Before moving in, if at all possible, the head of the household should enter the building alone and take a moment to walk quietly through, getting to "know" the building and letting it get to know them.

This would be the time to establish the "heart" of the home. Some use the kitchen, others a hearth (or fireplace), still others use a den or "personal space."

Once the head of the household has walked through, it is time to introduce the rest of the "family."

- If this is a newly constructed house, a quick smudging and/or asperging will both clear any negativity left by builders and construction workers, and bless the home for your personal use.

If possible open the windows and doors, state your purpose (to clear and bless this home for your use) and moving clockwise, from the top to the bottom (include attics and basements where applicable) introduce the smudge (incense or burning herbs) and/or asperge (sprinkle infused or blessed water) to each room, closet, cupboard etc.

- If this is a "new to you" house and has had others living in it before you, this should be done in two parts. The first, a smudging of banishing herbs should be done in a counter-clockwise manner, saying something like; "By my hand and with my will I banish all negativity." The second time use a smudge or asperging water for blessing and move clockwise saying something like; "By my hand and with my will I bless this space, let nothing unwelcome enter here."

There after bring in the things you consider important first. My Altar and the "kitchen stuff" are the first thing through my doors.

As a gift to new home owners, I traditionally bring:

bread - so the people in the home never want for physical sustenance; salt - to ensure prosperity for the household;

a bottle of wine - that the household may celebrate the "good times";

a piece of coal - an old symbol that ensures the home will be warm;

and a small living plant - so the household will grow and thrive.

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Q: 1st things to bring into new home for luck superstitions?
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