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Q: Country in Africa that borders Somalia and starts with the letter E?
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Country in Africa that borders Somalia?

What country in Africa borders Somalia that starts with the letter DDjibouti is the answer!!djiboutiThere are three African countries that border Somalia. Those countries are Ethiopia on the west, Kenya on the south west, and Djibouti on the north west.

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What country borders Kenya and starts with the letter T?

Tanzania is the country you are looking for. Kenya is bordered by Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and the Indian Ocean.

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Country in Africa that starts with the letter j?

No country in Africa begins with the letter J.

What country in west Africa starts with the letter r?

No country in west Africa starts with the letter R. Rwanda is the only country in Africa that starts with the letter R. Rwanda is in east Africa.

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Is there a country in Africa that starts with h?

No country in Africa begins with the letter H.

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What nation starts with the letter s?

Senegal, Somalia and Sudan are countries in Africa. The European countries are Serbia, Spain and Switzerland.

What country that starts with the letter r that borders urganda and Tanzania?


Is there anything in Africa that has to do with the letter s?

Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan and Swaziland are countries in Africa. The Senegal River, Shebelle River and Sankarani River are rivers in Africa.