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Q: An insect that uses camouflage to hide from a predator is using a defensive behavior. Is it true false?
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Is this true or fales An insect that uses camouflage to hide from a predator is using a defensive behavior.?


Does stick insect camouflage?

Some Stick Insects can change their color and other can't but they blend in really good they do that to protect them selves from preditors they are also kept as pet alot and can get up to as long as a 1 foot (12")

Does music have an effect on insect behavior?

There are no studies that show that music has an effect on insect behavior. Music does impact human behavior however.

How does the feature of the leaf insect body covering protect it from predator or environment?

There are 30 species of the leaf insect found throughout the world. This insect functions by eating the leaves which are responsible for giving them their green color and hiding them from prey.

Why does the leave insect camouflage?

so that they can survive and prey cannot eat .

Why does the leaf insect uses camouflage in its environment?

so it dosent get eaten

Food chain of a leaf insect?

It is the predator of plants.

How does camouflage help with the survival of stick insect?

A stick insect is camouflaged by colour and shape to look like a twig when stationary on the branches of a bush.

What are predator insects?

Anteaters eat ants. Spiders eat things like flies by catching them in it's web. There are many other Insect Predators, so you should be specific to what insect.

Who is someone who studies insect behavior?

an entomologist.

Does every insect have camouflage abilities?

Yes depending on the colour they are and the coulour of there surroundings there all camouflaged.

How does a stick insect protect its self?

By blending in with its surroundings. With camouflage to make itself look like a stick.