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Yes, because water actually expands as it cools. This means ice is less dense than water - ice floats. So the ice will form a protective layer on top of the pond, keeping it insulated so that the water at the bottom can often be a few degrees warmer than ice (at around 4 degrees C). When this is the case, coldwater aquatic life can survive the winter under the ice.

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Q: Aquatic plants and animals in ponds can survive in water even when the temperature at the surface of the pond drops below the freezing point of water?
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If water contracted on freezing, it would have catastrophic implications for aquatic life. Instead of the ice staying on top at the surface of the water, it would sink if it contracted. This would kill aquatic life.

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The surface temperature is VERY cold. It rarely gets up to the freezing point of water.

What would be the temperature of water when its surface is freezing?

0 degrees i think

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Animals that are affected by surface mining are: lions, eagles, hawks, bass, (any type of fish), and any species of aquatic animals.

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when the temperature on earth surface is very less or the earth is covered with a thick layer of ice then the rain will be freezing as ice.

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It depends on the temperature gradient, volume, surface area, etc.

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is a temperature inversion with freezing rain at a higher altitude.

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Freezing rain is composed of super-cooled waterwhich freezes on contact with any freezing surface, forming glaze ice.Ordinary rain has a temperature above freezing and will not instantly turn to ice.

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Many variables affect the freezing of " fresh water ". It depends on the surface temperature of " fresh water ", whether still or moving, and the rate of the air temperature dropping below freezing.

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the definition of frost is:ice that has been deposited on a surface with a temperature that is below freezing. so yeah.

How can there be frost when the temperature is above freezing?

Because the temperature is often a few degrees colder right at the surface. This is because cold air sinks, and if it is not mixed (as under calm conditions) the temperature will be colder at the surface than it is 2 meters above ground, where temperature is officially measured.

At what temperature do you restart a swimming pool?

I guess you are asking about daily air temperature. Once the surface has melted, the only concern is the above ground pipes freezing. If you leave the pump running all the time, the chance of freezing is very low.