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A:The Greek gods were divine.
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Q: Are Greek gods divine or human?
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Which element of greek tragedy is used to honor and worship the gods?

The element of ritual and religious practice is used in Greek tragedy to honor and worship the gods. This includes the use of sacrifices, prayers, and invocations to show respect and seek favor from the divine beings. The presence of the gods in Greek tragedy serves to emphasize the importance of divine authority and intervention in human affairs.

Did the greek goddess Eris have kids?

She did not have any fully divine ( god ) kids but she had many demi-gods , half mortal , half divine

Which gods tended to take human forces?


What were demi-gods?

Half gods, meaning one divine, one human parent. Click link below for a list!

What is Asgard?

Asgard was/is were the Norse gods lived. It would be like Olympus to the Greek gods. it was connected to the earth by a bridge guarded by a divine watchman .

Did the Greeks worship the Greek gods?

The Greek worshipped many gods, which all had superhuman powers but also human emotions and weaknesses.

Why are heroes important part of Greek mythology?

Heroes represent the link between gods and men in Greek mythology. Most of them were either demigods (direct sons/daughters of gods), or had divine heritage. They were the pinnacle of what it meant to be human.

Which is the most human-like Greek god?

The Greek gods chose whatever form they wanted, if they wanted to be human they became that.

In what form did the Greek gods tend to appear?

In Human Form

Where did the ancient greek gods remote from human affairs?

not sure

Which Greek Hero is the greatest Trojan Hero?

Heroes and gods are not the same thing. The gods did participate in the Trojan War to a degree, but they are divine, and did divine things. The heroes were just mortal men (despite some of them having divine heritage).

How many ancient Greek gods are there?

There are 12 Greek Gods: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera, Aris, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, Artemis, Hephaestus plus there are the other minor greek gods: Demeter, Persephone, Dionysus, Eros, Hebe, Eris, Helios, Thanatos, Pan, Nemesis, The Graces(three), The Muses(nine), The Erinnyes(three), The Fates(three). Together there are 41 greek gods. Although not all greek gods are worthy of being in the council.