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Q: Are all the original Japanese Pokemon Red copies destroyed?
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Why are duplicate copies normally written?

To supply a backup in case the original is destroyed.

How many original copies of the magna carta exist?

Four original copies exist.

Someone is committing an act of forgery when he or she is?

copies an original artwork with the intention of selling it as the original

How can you gain copies of original court papers?

I believe you can only get copies if you were involved in the original proceeding.

Can you buy a completed Pokemon game from anyone?

On eBay you can find Pokémon games that are claimed to have a completed Pokédex, but they are usually hacked and not original copies (bootlegs).

What actors and actresses appeared in Original Copies - 1999?

The cast of Original Copies - 1999 includes: Kate Moss as herself

What can you trade Pokemon Black with?

Pokemon White, and other copies of Pokemon Black.

Certified Copies?

Certified copies are copies of documents that have been certified to be accurate copies of originals. This does not mean that the original document is certified to be authentic, only that the copy is genuinely a copy of the original document. This is somewhat like a notarized copy, which is notarized by a public notary to be an authentic copy of an original.

Hen you download Pokemon from diamond or pearl to Pokemon Battle Revolution can you get them back if you start a knew game on diomand?

No, because they are copies of the original Pokemon, so if you don't start a new game, the creators figured you didnt need a second set of all the Pokemon you already have

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When the original 60 copies made for the Japanese Surrender documents were printed on the USS Missouri did they have a number printed on the front?

I don't think they had numbers but rather names were on them. Specific people received them.

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