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I do not see where that would be a problem. Most laws state that convicted felons can not be in possession of a fire arm. Which means they can not carry handle or own a fire arm. Not that they can not be in an area where there are fire arms. After all some retail stores sell rifles and even hand guns. This would prevent felons from entering some stores and I have never heard of this.

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15y ago
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12y ago

This is a tricky one. It is illegal for a convicted felon to be in possession of a firearm, specifically, but to have one owned by another person on the same property raises some flags. While it is best to not have any firearms around a felon, it is legal for another resident of the property to own and house a firearm, if that person is not a felon. Whether charges would be brought against a felon living on the same property as someone legally allowed to own a firearm would be a judgement call by any LEO involved with a specific situation. In short, yes and no to your question. When it comes to felons and firearms, it is always best to err on the side of caution.

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15y ago

That's a tricky question. It isn't illegal to reside there, but it's illegal to have any access to guns.

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14y ago

The general answer is, yes, as long as the felon has no access to the guns. In other words, the guns must be locked up, and the felon may not have keys or combinations to access the guns.

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Q: Are felons allowed to be in a residence that has guns?
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No, convicted felons may not own BB guns, pellet guns, air rifles, dart guns, tasers, or any other similar weapon.

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Sure, they can get married.

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No, former felons are prohibited from obtaining legal residence in the US.

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