

Are ferrets funner than hamsters

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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it would depend on which type of hampster and if u want to have an energenic big bugger or an energenic little bugger. i love both hampsters and ferrets, so its all up to you!

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14y ago
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Q: Are ferrets funner than hamsters
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Do ferrets stink more than hamsters?

Yes. Ferrets are closely related to skunks, in the US they should be descented and spayed/neutered prior to sale, however they will always have a 'skunky' smell. In addition, they are larger, therefore they produce more waste, also, they are carnivores and digested meat smells worse then digested plant. On the plus side, ferrets are litter-box trainable, and so this can be cleaned out often to lessen the feces and urine smell. Hamsters produce quite a bit of ammonia in their urine which some people find more offensive then the ferrets musky scent.

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nothing sorry/!

Do different colors mean different sizes on ferrets?

Ferrets coloring doesn't have anything to do with size. A ferret's gender makes a difference as females are always smaller than males. Unaltered ferrets are generally larger than altered ferrets. Ferrets that are in colder climates are larger than ferrets in mild climates.

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yes u noob

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yes it is who ever thinks it is not is wrong

Do ferrets need any exercise wheels?

No. a ferret does not need any exercise wheels, I don't believe they make any for ferrets - they are not rodents. They make exercise wheels for rodents - like mice, rats, hamsters, etc.

What are similarities of a hamster and a gerbil?

They're as different as humans and elephants - in fact, like humans and elephants, the only thing they really have in common is they're both mammals. Aside from the difference in size, other differences include- Ferrets are Mustelidae (weasel family), hamsters are Rodentia (rats, mice etc.) Ferrets are obligate carnivores and can eat only meat, hamsters are omnivores (they eat mostly seeds, nuts and plant matter - which would make a ferret ill, possibly even killing it - but can also eat insects).

Is it safe to put a ferret in a hamster cage?

You can put a ferret in a hamsters cage on a temporary basis as long as it's not being used to house hamster's as the ferret will kill them. A ferrets needs a large size cage made for ferrets.