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You may have body aches but aching eyes would not be a typical symptom of pregnancy. Usually when it is said that you might have flu-like symptoms with pregnancy, it is referring more to the malaise, unexplained fatigue, and nausea and vomiting (such as with "stomach flu"), not the upper respiratory symptoms like cough, sneeze, sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes and high fever.

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Q: Are flu like symptoms such as body aches and aching eyes symptoms of pregnancy because you have heard flu like symptoms can happen in pregnancy?
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Yes to your first question and pregnancy symptoms can happen at any time but the only true way to tell is waiting a few weeks and getting a blood test. Good luck.

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There probably isn't anything to worry about as these are common symptoms. Every pregnancy is different, so one set of symptoms you had in your last pregnancy, may not happen at all or as severely during this one. And vice versa. If you're overly worried, you should see your GP.

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Can you get pregnant 8yrs after tubal ligation?

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