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Possibly - take a test Just curious if u ever found out the answer to that I am having the same pains but just on one side..

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Q: Are low back pain for two months and cramps and hip pain signs of prenancy?
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If you have nausea head ace stomach and back cramps could that mean pregnancy?

Yes if you have cramps, backache, nausea and headache , these are signs of pregnancy.

What are some signs that im getting my period?

Cramps, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, lower back pain.

I miss a period in the month of June and still waiting for my period to come. I am experience back pain and cramps. Could I be pregnant?

Yes these are signs of pregnancy.

Why you have cramps after 7 weeks abortions but no period yet?

Was the pregnancy 7 weeks gone or was it 7 weeks ago? It's not uncommon to have cramps afterwards and the period comes back within 2 months counting from the abortion.

Are you supposed to get cramps before your first period?

Yes, Cramps are a symtom of all periods (Along with bloating,irritability,fatigue,back aches,ect). Some people have them and some people don't. Nothing to worry about. I usually dont get cramps but some months I do... Every girl is differnet.

How can you tell when your going to get your first period?

You will have yellow/clear goop in your under wear and you will have cramps in your lower stomach and your back will hurt hi I'm 10 years old and have not started but I'm very close and I will probably start in about 3-4 months and I have all the signs and it's not fun trust me.

Can you have a miscarriage with out cramps chills fever or low back pain Just pass blood and tissue?

Yes you can. Chills and fever are signs of infection and it is quite possible to have a miscarriage without infection. A very early miscarriage may also be painless, though a later one witll probably give you cramps and/or lower back pain.

Could cramps lower-back-pain excessive urination and pain on the side of the belly all be signs of pregnancy when two days late for your period?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test

You have some cramps down there and lower back pain. You all right had your period does it mean that you could be pregnant?

None of the symptoms you mentioned are signs of pregnancy. If it continues or is severe, see a doctor.

What are the signs of your period?

Well when you think you are having your period, you will be bleeding, may have stomach cramps, back pain, bloating, and/or fatigue. You should talk to you mother or closest woman you are comfortable talking with.

Is it normal to have cramps during first month on the pill?

there, No, you dont usually have cramps when you go on the pill, the pill should prvent the cramps...if you have had unprotected sex before going on the pill, i strongly advise you stop taking it and take a pregnancy test as cramping is 1 or the most common signs of early pregnancy as is spot bleeding, headaches back ache ect ect, if it turns out that you are not pregnant then seek advice from your doctor as to why you are having the cramps from taking the pill!

Signs of kidney problems?

Signs of kidney problems include lower back pain and producing small amounts of urine. Other signs are feelings of nausea, persistent fatigue and a loss of appetite.