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mobiles spoiling new genaration by if is many incoherent questions yes

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mobiles not only but also too amouont of not good speeching learn in schol.

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Q: Are mobiles spoiling new generation if yes then give you a debate?
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Is the mobile phone spoiling today's generation?

To put it simply, sorta. To explain that, today's generation has easier access to the internet , easier communication purposes , and they have more capabilities then the older generations previous phone. And this is exactly why they will one day create even more advance applications then the previous generations. So if you want to use spoiling, that works , but it doesn't give the situation we live in justice.

Are mobiles bad for your health?

Yes they can be because they give off radiation.

Can you give me a sentence using spoil?

You are spoiling my good day THe fruit is spoiled You spoiled the ham

How mobiles are dangerous in your daily life?

Mobiles could distract you while driving and some smartphones give off potentially harmful radiation. They also hurt if one hits you on the head.

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They doesnt give answer .... SMTOWN , dont give Girls' Generation their emails to sones .

Why phones called as mobiles?

It is not connected to a land line and can be carried with you to give you mobility and still be able to talk on the phone

At what age do doctors suggest giving kids cell phones?

Its up to the parents to decide this,but i suggest you dont give them mobiles with cameras.

Can salt keep chicken from spoiling?

pshhht no. but one thing if you dont want it to be soiled then im sure you can just give it to your mom and she will eat it.

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The college class began to debate about democracy.

Debate help... Debate Topic is brands and latest cuts really add to your personality and i am against the motion... please give your opinion......?

If you really can't think of anything to say about a topic, you shouldn't debate on it, or you'll get completely squashed when the debate actually happens. Good luck.