

Are producers meat

Updated: 11/23/2022
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13y ago

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Producers are plants. Which means no, they are not meat.

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Q: Are producers meat
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Texas and Colorado are big meat producers (Cattle and sheep).

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ur fufu is your meat gob bag up the roat meat ayy

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they are important if there were no producers there woud be no concumers and no concumers means no decomposers and no decomposers means no meat and humans

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plant eaters because they eat directly into the producers.

Can all plants called producers?

no because some plants eat meat/flys

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I've learned that there are things in meat that meat producers and the government are hiding, and now I'm vegetarian.

How can producers get into a carnivore if a carnivore only eats plants?

There are 2 answers:1.a carnivore eats a animal with producers in the dead animals stomach.2. In terms of energy, to get the energy of the producers, the producers get eaten by a herbivore of omnivore which carries the energy from the food it eats which is then passed to the carnivore if the carnivore eats the herbivore or omnivore.It's means lthe animals who just eat meat like Lion.

Why are some oraganisms called producers?

Some organisms are called producers because they are the organisms that are eaten by the in other words producers are like our local butcher wh provide us with yummmy meat and fish

Is a chicken a secondary or primary consumer?

It is a primary consumer because it eats producers (not meat) <3

Does carnivores eat fruits meats and vegetables?

No, omnivores eat both consumers (meat) and producers (fruits and vegetables.) Carnivores eat only consumers (meat.)

What do Consumers obtain energy by eating what and other consumers?

THey obtain energy by eating consumers and producers.

What producer does an owl eat?

Owls are carnivores. They eat only meat so they do not eat any producers.