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they have invertebrates
Starfish are invertebrates because they have no spine.
invertebrate- thanks to my science teacher she just taught the class about invertebrates etc.
starfish are vertabrates

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11y ago

i think that they are invertebrate

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Q: Are starfish invertebrates or vertebrates
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Is a star fish a reptilian?

No, starfish are not reptiles. Reptiles are vertebrates; that is, they have backbones. Fin-fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are vertebrates. Starfish aren't. Starfish are invertebrates called echinoderms.

Is starfish a vertebrates?

No. A starfish has a hard shell and its inside is only organs. To be considered a vertebrate the starfish would need a spine and an internal skeleton (not to mention a head). They are, therefore, classified as invertebrates.

What are examples of invertibrates and vertibrates?

Two examples of vertebrates are humans and iguanas. Two examples of invertebrates are starfish and cockroaches.

Are fish vertebrates of invertebrates?


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vertebrates and invertebrates different?

What kinds of animals are vertebrates and invertebrates?

most animals today are invertebrates. this includes things such as arthropods (insects) mollusks, echinoderms ( starfish) cnidarians (jellyfish) and many others. the mere presence ofinsects in that list easily makes invertebrates more numerous than vertebrates :)

Is a giraffe a vertebate or a invertebate?

A giraffe is not an invertebrate, because it has a vertebral column, or a spine. All mammals, like giraffes, are vertebrates that do have backbones, internal skeletons, and the other characteristics of vertebrates (see links for more information on vertebrates and invertebrates). Some examples of invertebrates are insects, mollusks, starfish, jellyfish, earthworms, and other animals and sea creatures that are mostly "mush".

Why vertebrates and invertebrates are differ?

Vertebrates have spinal chord and invertebrates don't.

What is the difference between vertebrates an invertebrates?

Vertebrates have spines & invertebrates do not have spines.

Is a star fish a echinoderm?

No, a starfish is not a fish. Here's my reasonThe definition of fish is: Vertebrates with fins and tails.A starfish isn't a fish for these reasons.Starfish are Invertebrates.Starfish do not have tails, they have appendages like you and I.Starfish don't have fins.

Is a fish a verteabrate?

Regular fish are vertebrates; however there are many animals with the word 'fish' after their name such as craw fish, starfish, jellyfish, and these are invertebrates.

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