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Yes, in the Immortal Series there are two more books after Evermore and they are out now. They are called Blue Moon and Shadowlands, there is also one coming out after that called Dark Flame, but it hasn't been released yet unfortuntley.


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Q: Are there any good book like evermore or any of the other books in the immortals series by Alyson noel?
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What are the names of the vampires series by Alyson noel?

The series is called The Immortals. The books in the series, in order, are as follows: Evermore, Blue Moon, Shadowland, Dark Flame, Night Star and Everlasting.

What is the order of the immortals series by Alyson noel?

There are about 6 books in the Immortals Series, here are the names I know, 1st Evermore 2nd Bluemoon 3rd Shadowland 4th Dark Flame 5th Night Star 6th Everlasting Alyson is also writing a series for Riley (Ever's little sister) too, so look out for Riley's series of books too.

Did the Riley Bloom books come before the Immortals series By Alyson Noels?

No the immortal series came before Riley's series because Riley was in the very first book in the immortal series called evermore and at the end of evermore Riley lingers in summerland for many months then crosses the bridge to the afterlife

What is the order of books in Alyson noel's immortal series?

There will be six. It says it on her website. At the very very bottom. AliceAnswers says: At the moment. there are three books. In Order: Evermore, Blue moon, and Shadowland. Hope I helped!! Alice --Blossomkit-- Well if you check one of Alyson's site for the immortal series,it says there will be 6 books. 1. Evermore 2. Blue Moon 3. Shadowland 4. Darkflame 5. Night Star 6. Everlasting

When is evermore going to come out?

Evermore came out a while ago, well over a year. There are already 5 books out, Evermore, Blue Moon, Shadowland, Dark Flame, and Night Star. Everlasting will be coming out in june. All are by Alyson Noël, and she has written a lot of others as well. After finishing the immortals series, i want to move onto Radiance and Shimmer. They are books (kinda) from the immortals series, but in Riley's point of view, rather than Ever's. BTW----- Damen and Ever are MEANT TO BE. do NOT let anyone else that comes into the book change that

How many books in the Immortals by Alyson Noel?

Apparently 6

How many books will there be in the immortals series?

There will be 6 books: Evermore, Blue Moon, Shadowland, Dark Flame, Night Star, and Everlasting. there is also another series about Ever's younger sister, Riley: Radiance, Shimmer. These are all of them so far, but there will not be anymore immortals books.

When will the TV series The Immortals by Alyson noel appear?

That may or may not happen. The books have been opted to become movies or a tv show, but the author says it won't necessarily happen.

Who wrote evermore?

Alyson Noël wrote 'The Immortals' series of book which include:Evermore (February 2009)Blue Moon (July 7, 2009)Shadowland (November 17, 2009)Dark Flame (June 22, 2010)Night Star (Undecided)There are actually six books in the series but the sixth has not been given a name.I have read the first one and I am getting the second one because I love it!These books are well worth reading!

How many books in the Immortals series?

There is going to be 6 books total in the whole series.

What are the numbers of the books for the series The Immortals?

There are 4 out at the monent: Evermore, Blue Moon, Shadowland and Dark Flame. But there's another one coming out: Night Star. So 4 at this point in time and 5 this winter.

Does anyone recommend any good books for 12-20 year olds?

Twilight Saga, The Awakening series, Wings, Immortals series (Evermore), IT girl series, A Great and Terrible Beauty series... the the outsider's is an amazing book and i don't even like reading i also like the giver