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There are reasons why people become pathological liars and most of the time it's because they have low self esteem. You can see any psychologist that can help you. If you prefer a group then see your doctor and they can help you find a group you can attend. Good for you! I'm proud of you and know you're going to make it because you actually admitted it to yourself. That's one big step! Good luck Marcy

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Q: Are there any support groups for pathological liars in the Phoenix area?
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What is the Sexual orientation of pathological liars?

There is no correlation between pathological liars and sexual orientation.

Is there treatment for pathological liars?

No not usually

Do pathological liars have feelings of guilt?

Pathological liars may not experience feelings of guilt in the same way as others because they often lack empathy and may have a pattern of deceit. However, some may still experience guilt if their lies harm others or if they are caught in a lie. This can vary depending on the individual and the underlying reasons for their lying behavior.

What is the difference between compulsive liars and pathological liars?

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Is there support groups for compulsive liars in Washington state?

Yes, there are support groups for compulsive liars in Washington state. You can try searching online for local resources or contacting mental health organizations like NAMI Washington for more information on support groups in your area.

Are pathological liars aware of their condition?

Pathological liars may not always be fully aware of their condition, as they may believe their lies themselves. However, some may recognize that their lying behavior is problematic but struggle to control it due to underlying psychological factors. Overall, the awareness of their condition varies among individuals.

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psuedo, somewhat

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What is the medical term for compulsive liars?

Pathological liar

Do pathological liars try to return to a previous relationship if the present one starts to go wrong?

Individuals may tend to do that in general - pathological liars really have no bearing on the situation. Where a pathological liar is concerned it totally depends on the individual themselves.

Any support groups for compulsive liars in Boston?

They have a compulsive liars anonymous in Boston that you can attend. You can call a helpline for information about meetings.