

Are van Allen belts hazardous

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Only if you plan to live there for a while :)

Are they hazardous, the micro wave above us is for our protection, like the bars on a baby's crib, they keep the baby from falling out, are they Hazardous? only if they are not there! Is the Van Allen Belt hazardous to life? YES!

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Q: Are van Allen belts hazardous
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Why the Van Allen belts are hazardous to astronauts and satellites?

The Van Allen Belts are full of dangerous cosmic radiation. Radiation is harmful to humans and has a tendency to destroy electronic gear.

Where do charged particles in the Van Allen Belts mainly come from?

the van Allen belts are located in the universal space.

What is a term for earths radiation belts?

The Van Allen belts

What are the Van Allen belts?

The Van Allen radiation belts are layers of plasma particles that are around the earth in the magnetosphere. These radiation belts were confirmed to exist in 1958 by James Van Allen. There is an outer and inner belt. The belts can cause problems for both satellites and any rockets or other vehicles that travel through the belts.

What creates van Allen belts?

Earth magnetosphere

Where is location of the Van Allen Radiation Belts?

In my house

Can man pass through the van allen belts?

A man can pass through the van allen belts. I believe the question you may be asking is, can a man safely pass through the van allen belts? The answer to that is maybe. The van allen radiation belts are filled with radiation and an unprotected person passing through it may be exposed to lethal amounts of radiation. Hence, manned space missions that pass through this must be adequately shielded against radiation.

Why do charged particles from the sun (the solar wind) get trapped in the van Allen radiation belts?

The Van Allen belts are caused by Earth's magnetic field. Charged particles are deflected in the presence of a magnetic field.

Which contains bands of charged particles known as the van Allen belts?


What are the Two donut shaped regions above Earth's surface?

Van Allen belts. :)

What Rings the earth like the seam of a baseball?

Tectonic plates or Van Allen Belts

What are the magnetic radiation belts around the earth?

The inner or, outter van Allen belt.