

Best Answer

Yes, the 11 organ systems are:

Integumentary System(Skin,Hair)

Skeletal System (Bones, Cartilage)

Muscle System(Muscles,Tendons)

Nervous System (Brain, Spinal Cord)

Endocrine System(Pituitary Gland, Thyroid Gland)

Circulatory System (Heart, Veins )

Lymphatic System (Lymph nodes, Spleen)

Digestive System (Stomach, Liver)

Respiratory System (Lungs)

Urinary System (Kidneys, Bladder)

Reproductive System (Testes, Ovaries)

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Q: Are we the human body made of systems?
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In the human body what are systems made of?

A group of organs

How do you explain how a human being is a biological system?

Explain how a human being is a biological system?

What are the contents of the human body?

The human body is considered an organism. Organisms are made up of organ systems, and the systems are made of organ. And then, the organs, themselves, are made of a group of tissues, and the tissues are made of groups of specialized cells. This is called the concept of levels of complexity in the body, and that is how the contents are organized.

What body systems respond when holding ice?

The human body is made up of many body systems. When holding a piece of ice, the body systems that respond would be the nervous system, muscular system and skeletal system.

How is the human organism made up?

The human organism is made up of systems. Each system supports the rest of the systems in the body. These include the skeletal system, the nervous system, and the circulatory system.

What makes the digestive systems different from other body systems?

The digestive system is different from the other human body systems because the digestive system holds food and no other human body system does also the digestive system has organs that none other human body systems have.

What scientist studies human body systems?

The scientists that study human body systems are called human anatomists and physiologists. These scientists can also be the doctors that care for you.

How the human body organized?

The human body is made of organs. Certain organs work together to form systems. We each have a respiratory and a Circulatory system, Digestive system and Excretory System.

What is the human anatomy about?

Human anatomy is all about human organs and body systems.

Name 5 human body systems?

There are many different body systems for example, "Muscular, skeletal, reproductive, respiratory, and integumentary". The systems of the human body are the Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory, Muscular, Skeletal, Reproductive, Nervous, and Excretory.

What is human systems?

the organs and veins in your body

What five major components human beings are made of?

Human beings are made up of five major components: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. Cells are the basic building blocks of the body, which form tissues. Tissues then comprise organs, which work together as organ systems to carry out specific functions in the body. Altogether, these systems form the complex organism that is a human being.