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yes by their blowhole

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Q: Are whales and dolphins and porpoises mammals that breathe air?
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Related questions

What is the animal dolphins?

Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises.

What are mammals in the water which are born alive?

Whales, porpoises and dolphins.

Are orca mammals?

Orcas, like all whales and porpoises, are mammals along with their relatives, the dolphins.

What animals are cetacea?

A cetacea is a big marine animal with long ears and long snout,but strangely it has fur!

What type of anmial is a dolphin?

Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales and porpoises.

Is a bluenose dolphin is a fish?

No, dolphins, whales, and porpoises are mammals because they do not lay eggs.

How many animals have a blowhole?

Whales, dolphins and porpoises have a blowhole, (or nostrils), on top of their head so they can breathe in and out when they are on the surface of the water. Since they are the only mammals that spend their entire lives in the water, and much of it underneath the surface, they are the only mammals to have a blowhole on top of their head. Most mammals have their nostrils in the front of their face, similar to human beings.

What are some water mammals?

fishes(sharks,tropical fish, mammals,etc.)

Why are whales unable to breathe to their mouths?

Whales don't need to breathe through their mouths. Instead, they breathe through their blowholes on top of their heads, like the dolphins and porpoises.

Are killer whales fishes?

No, killer whales, also known as orca, are porpoises and breathe air and are thus mammals.

Are porpoises more closely related to dolphins or whales?

Porpoises are more closely related to dolphins than whales. Both porpoises and dolphins are part of the family Delphinidae, while whales are a separate family within the order Cetacea.

Do whales have to breathe air to survive?

Yes, whales are mammals. As are dolphins and humans.