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Q: Are you getting warmer when you are looking for something and your friend says 'Keep looking'?
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Is there any other way of saying you are on the right track?

I think you have something there. You're getting warmer.

Is the moon getting warmer?


Is the Earth REALLY getting hotter?

Yes. There is no doubt at all. The earth, the atmosphere and the oceans are getting warmer and warmer.

Is there evidence that the moon is getting warmer?


How would you use warmer in a sentence?

it is wamer today than it was yesterday. The weather is getting warmer these past days. The water in the pot was gradually getting warmer as i waited for it to boil. hope that helps

Is the world getting warmer or colder?

yes it is getting hotter. The last decade has been the hottest record and the past 50 have also been getting warmer. This has caused more heat waves.

Why does a cold drink in your hand feel cooler when it's getting warmer?

Is the temperature of your body. When is getting warmer your body temperature gets warmer and so you feel the drink colder then before - for a short time because eventually it will get warm too!!!

If something is warmer will it evaporate quicker?

Yes, it is true.

Why is palermo warmer than Milan?

I don’t know I was looking on this to find the answer :)

What is globalwarming and its introduction?

It's the Earth (all of it) getting warmer.

How do you prevent the earth from getting warmer?

by not using much electrictiy

When does the weather start getting warmer during a new year?

The weather usually starts to get warmer during March and April, sometimes it starts to get warmer in late February though.