

Average time for wiki answer question to be answered?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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2.5 seconds haha jk how long did it take this one to be answered

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15y ago
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Q: Average time for wiki answer question to be answered?
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No, questions are not always answered.

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Yes, Any question in the wiki answers website that is not yet answered is eligible to be answered for the AnswerThon event.

How do you put an question on wiki answers?

answer questions that isnt answered yet

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2:10pm, Thanks for asking your question has been answered by Wiki a very rare occasion!

What questions can you answer on wiki answer?

Any question posted on Wiki Answers can be answered by anyone, but only members can edit the answers.

When can you expect the question you submitted on Wiki to be answered?

As soon as someone such as myself (a member of the general public) sees your question and decides that he wishes to devote a moment of his time answering your query.

Who answers the question you ask and when and where do you receive the answer?

Anyone with an account on Wiki can answer your question. The answer comes up on when someone has answered it. If you have an account you can set it so you get an email when the question has been answered.

What is the ponit of wiki?

You just answered your own question. it's to help people learn what they want to learn on their time by having other people answer if they know the answer. for example: you want to know what the point of wiki is; and I'm giving you the answer.

Why is WikiAnswers so slow?

Sorry, Wiki depends on people who are volunteering their time to answer all these questions. If there is someone on Wiki that has knowledge about your question, then it will get answered. If not it may take a while for someone to read and answer your question. The people that answer the questions are people just like you. They have signed on and see a question that they know something about.

What on earth is WikiAnswers?

= WikiAnswers = is a Q and A wiki,If you ever had a question, go to Wikianswers and type what is the question. Many questions can be answered. Sometimes people will answer the question that you asked or you will wait a few days for the question to be answered or people will immediately answer it. if you sigh up, it will send you an email when the question is answered.

How many questions has Wiki ask?

by the date 11/9/20 Wiki has asked about iver 53M question has answered each of em

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I hope this answered your question if not go to- == ==